What can(not) astrology do for you?
As an astrologer, I always try to explain transiting cycles you are in and what is asked of you to learn. However, transit cannot give answers on what exactly will happen. Your energy is constantly moving. You affect transits even more than they affect you.
Natal Moon & Emotional Imbalance
If there are no planets around Moon, everyday situations easily shake us. Support from the environment is weak. We need security, but life teaches us that relying on others brings problems. Moon on MC or ASC can be quite "irritated". Over time, how you respond to emotional challenges in family and love life can result in energy blockages.
Astrology in practice
You live your natal chart all the time even when you know nothing about it. How you live it can be completely different from what books and astrological theory suggest. Descriptions of the planets, signs, and aspects in the book and descriptions in practice are not the same thing. Natal chart is observed in time by being activated by transits that emphasize certain topics.
Ascendant POWER
Einstein's theory of relativity says that the position of the observer influences the observed phenomenon by changing the observation’s result. This is especially true in astrology. How an astrologer will experience your natal chart depends on his chart as well. Of course, some things will be noticed by everyone. In addition to astrological knowledge, interpretation also depends on astrologer’s beliefs and life philosophy. All this affects what you will hear about your natal chart, which certainly depends on your ascendant.
Are astrologers clairvoyant?
In this text, I will provide indicators of clairvoyance in the natal chart for those interested. These factors are listed in many astrological textbooks. I will mention only those that have proven to be accurate during my experience. Some things I can best explain using myself as an example. Although it is not my goal to talk about myself, I know that many of you are interested in my chart. All my talents are the result of work, discipline and [...]
Uranus in Taurus in house (until 26th of April, 2026)
Uranus transit in Taurus began on March 7th, 2019 and many of you have already felt the changes. However, changes that Uranus initiates depend not only on house in which it transits, but also on aspects that it forms with natal planets. It is also important how much sign of Aquarius is expressed in your life.
Advanced Astrology
It should be taken into account that house systems can slightly change position of planets. That is why we are never tied to mathematical facts! There are also no intercepted planets/houses in certain house systems, so this should be taken into account as well.
Role of Transits
Transits are about expanding awareness, intimate emotional experiences with your Self and developing a new life approach. I know you didn't expect this and no one has told you so far ... However, back in 1973 famous astrologer Dane Rudhyar wrote about it. And he wasn't the only one.
Energy of signs and planets is connected through aspects. They are relationships between two or more types of energies. Aspects show how energy manifests, transforms and how its issues must be overcome. Traditionally, aspects are divided into easy and challenging, major and minor. My experience in astrology has confirmed that there are no difficult aspects. They become such because of the quality/density of our energy. "Easy" aspects include sextile and trine and "challenging" aspects include square and opposition.
Letter of the month: My Journey into Astrology
It has been a great honour to be invited to write the Letter of the Month for DK Foundation. If you are interested in my beginning and my experiences in astrology you can read the original article on the link below. Learning astrology has had ups and downs, especially in practically using it was a test for me. A test to finally meet myself. This article shows my journey into astrology and what I had to face and overcome.