I know... You have been feeling like a victim for a long time. You have been tormented by guilt. You have been feeling sorry for yourself. You have been blaming life circumstances, people, your past... Some days it feels like you would rather stay in your bed. And the truth is that vital life force has been leaking for ages, but you didn't want to look at it and have ignored the facts.

LOVE WARS: Venus/Mars

Venus/Mars synastry aspects determine relationship needs, but they are not enough to start a relationship. 'Stronger' aspects are needed to provide context. These aspects are typically associated with sexual intimacy, but have nothing to do with emotional fulfillment. These aspects show how much we give and how much we get in a relationship.

Planets-directors of your life

Everyone has a planet that is particularly prominent. It is the brightest guiding star in your life’s story writing journey. Many of you have aspects of other planets that are in conflict with this planet, so finding your life path is often more complicated and even difficult.

KARMIC LOVE: Venus/Saturn

In this post I will discuss some of the most significant Venus/Saturn aspects in natal chart, during transits and in synastry. People with this natal aspect learn karmic lessons in love. During transits, partners known through past incarnations enter our lives.


Venus describes what we love. It is about material things and enjoyment. Neptune, on the other hand, describes fantasies and non-physical reality. It's wonderful when Neptune allows us to have dreams and visions which we will materialize through Venus. However, if this is not possible, feeling of disappointment appears.


Venus is about our inner sense of balance. Uranus speaks of freedom and unconventionality. Venus wants to enjoy love and have her wishes come true. Uranus wants to be impulsive, rebellious and unique. Their aspects include an element of risk, change and unconventionality in love relationships.


Moon in astrology is all about the past, mother and our need for security. On the other hand, Uranus is about the future and new experiences. In aspect they aim for sense of freedom that is possible when we accept ourselves.


Natal Moon describes roots, family and home. It shows our childhood and relationship with our mother. Moon shows needs, feelings and emotional state. Security is especially emphasized. We are sensitive and vulnerable when it is not there.


Natal chart energy is organized according to how often something is done, thought or felt. This is depicted by Moon and daily habits. Energy represented by Pluto moves through natal chart in a cloud-like manner. Some parts of it, if old emotions are not integrated, remain obscured by gloomy clouds.

SOUL HEALING: Moon/Neptune

In this post I will cover several important aspects in natal chart, synastry and transits. Moon shows our need to feel safe and childhood habits. It is concerned to our past and relationship with mother. Neptune, on the other hand, describes ideals, elusive desires and dreams. Moon is the unconscious and Neptune is projections and unhealthy illusions. Neither of them can be seen with the naked eye, but can only be felt with the Soul.