Maja Lazić
February 21, 2025Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces
Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces 2nd March- 13th April 2025
I will begin this post by quoting Freud, who said that what our mind forgets, our body fortunately does not. Problems with Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces will manifest both in mind and in/on our body. Venus retrograde will show why and how much we are out of tune with ourselves. It will be clear that we have not been satisfied for a long time not seeing how it will ever improve.
For each of you, depending on house that Venus transits, which will be discussed later, along with aspects, adds or subtracts energy in relationships. Depending on your age, there will be opportunities to get rid of something. Many will choose to withdraw from a toxic relationship.
If you have natal Venus retrograde, things may improve for a short time. You may feel like you can finally take a break from worrying. When Venus goes direct in April, if problem was hidden, everything will intensify. Differences that exist between you two are not easily overcome. Many will feel pressured to make a decision. However, they have made up their minds so their attitude will not change no matter how hard you try.
And what are we going to do now?
This is the time that instead of fixing relationships that will never be good and trying to get someone’s attention, it’s better to forgive your ex-partner who lied and cheated on you for years. It’s over and there’s no need to waste your energy on that anymore. Some will face their complexes and go overboard in playing love games that have long been stupid.
You need to accept now that someone does not want to be with you and that it is completely legitimate to walk away. All those who unsuccessfully try to win someone over would do better to look at themselves and invest their energy in reconnecting with weak parts of themselves. External situations will only be an additional reflection and reminder of what is denied within us.
From 24th of February until 8th of March Venus will be at the 10th degree, from which it goes retrograde and returns again on 16th of May. Some will remember the spring of 2017 when something failed or almost happened. Problems soon arose showing challenge with inner and outer Venus. However, relationships are changing now, marriages are breaking up and many of you are more than disappointed.
Problems during Venus retrograde
Problem during Venus retrograde in Aries from March 2nd until 28th is that arguments will be much more frequent. Narcissism will be emphasized and your partner will be burdened with pressure. We will give what we think the other person wants, even though it turns them off. We will impose our views, wants and needs and communicate like children. Many will gamble on someone’s trust and jump into passionate affair where many people will get hurt.
Problem during Venus retrograde in Pisces from 2th until 13th of April is that we will all doubt ourselves much more and think that we are not good enough for someone. We will feel inferior and be tormented by guilt. Some will continue to cherish loose dreams of love that is not possible in this life nor the next.
Some will still refuse to let go of illusion of someone they can’t forget, but who has forgotten them. You will feel empty and lonely. Your partner will tend to put you down and hurt you if you are someone who sacrifices for love and feels powerless to leave unhealthy situations. Lack of self-love causes us to stay in relationship where we are abused and where our partner constantly crosses our boundaries.
Direct movement
When Venus goes direct in Pisces on 13th of April many will be overwhelmed by deep sense of loneliness and awareness of needs that particular partner could never satisfy. You will need more sleep, rest, peace and quiet. This is the time to let go of guilt and silence the inner critic. When Venus re-enters Aries on 30th of April, find time to exercise and eat fresh, energy-boosting foods.
Venus will meet Pluto, so we will have more objectivity for ourselves and our environment. Mercury will then already be direct, so understanding of other people’s and our needs will be better. Freedom will be appreciated but only if it really does not contain an ulterior motive. This is the time when it will be clear whether you respect and value yourself. You will have to rely on yourself whether you like it or not. Many will experience career advancement or their role in society will change.
Important thing is that Venus will meet with Sun only at beginning of 2026 in Capricorn. We will need time to forget someone or for someone new to appear in our life. Give yourself time to grieve those who are no longer in here.
Important aspects
As far as aspects are concerned, Venus will be together with Mercury for almost all of March and until mid-April. This planet will also be retrograde in Aries and Pisces from 15th of March until 7th of April, so we’ll just have to learn to put effort into communication. We will all need more objectivity and desire to hear environment. We cannot expect to be important to someone if we are not important to ourselves!
During March, Venus will feel tension due to aspect with Mars, but first half of April tells us that we should appreciate desires we have and initiate something new in existing relationship. This does not apply to short term relationships. Karmic love will break and all relationships are re-examined.
Venus in aspect to Jupiter in first week of March highlights beliefs we are aware of when it comes to love life. Resources seem to be lacking for everything we want because we don’t even believe we can make those wishes come true. We will ask ourselves how to respect ourselves more and will try to find new ways of understanding friends and loved ones. There is certainly risk that someone will completely misunderstand us.
Venus Karma
Venus in aspect with Saturn in first half of April brings need to be alone and to feel safe, but seems we lack personal authority. We still can’t let go of the past. This is the time when you need to let go of something that does not support you. Please take this seriously. It is not possible for something to happen and it will not happen. Be honest with yourself and find courage to close the door on something and someone.
Many will feel betrayed because they put their trust in someone who didn’t deserve it. They won’t know what to do to make things better. Venus has an aspect with Chiron in last days of May, so wounds of unrequited love will continue to bleed for some time. Fix your relationship with yourself and finally make peace with yourself.
When Venus enters Pisces on March 27th, it has an aspect with Uranus until end of April which further supports release through creativity. Someone will shock your environment, but many will reveal part of themselves that they never dreamed existed. Venus in Pisces experiences its last meeting ever for the next 150 years with Neptune in Pisces on March 28th and 29th. This meeting already happened on 3rd of February when you were looking for a special connection.
I’m sorry…
Now you realize that something is missing, things just don’t work out and it’s time to let go of lies and illusions. It’s time to get that story out of your head. Saturn in Pisces shows that boundaries are clear and that someone’s NO really means no. Abandonment and dissatisfaction are obvious, but you have been living in illusion of your own making. I know that everything else seems insignificant now and that you are totally depressed.
Some may even stepped into delirium of psychosis and madness. But you just have to accept laws of the Universe. What does not work must be removed. Take that as you will. The matter is serious. However, Venus retrograde is wonderful time to turn to hope, faith and commitment to new life direction when it comes to love and pleasure.
If this transit finds you empty, in disbelief that someone will ever show up for you, if you’re afraid of loss and living in dreams – it’s time to stop making yourself a victim. Forgive those who need to be forgiven. Your body is telling you through fatigue that you need to let something go.
Waste of time
However, many will waste this transit on watching TV, listening to music, Internet conspiracies and drinking after work with those who are not their friends. Many will look for love in various pills and powders. Many will bet that there is no love for them and win in that bet. Many will gamble on true love out of excuse and lack of self-esteem.
Those born in mid-March should take this transit seriously and think about their life and above all, wake up to reality. Learn what healthy love is because there is only one path and that is healthy path where there is so much energy and light that you can never lack anything. Why do so many choose path of avoidance, chasing after those who do not want them doing everything to humiliate themselves even more and show themselves in bad light?! Let this be question to think about.
And now follows an informative description of Venus retrograde in Pisces according to houses in your natal chart.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in first house
You still tend to idealize someone and have high expectations for future with them. However, your attitude towards yourself is unstable and it’s as if you don’t really know who you are and what you want. Someone is out of touch with reality and sees potential in situation where there is obviously none. Problems with energy flow of Venus will be noticeable through facial inflammation, acne and hormonal imbalance.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the second house
Problems are possible in connection to money, which is accompanied by loss of life meaning. You will question your self-worth and be resistant to letting go of something that has hurt you so much. Many will learn to share themselves with someone in ways that makes them feel uncomfortable because they have never done it before. Healthy habits will also be brought to work, but communication issues will be followed by sore throat.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the third house
You must silence your thoughts now. You are very confused and don’t really understand what is happening around you. Communication is in crisis and your intuition is weaker than usual. Everything that bothers you affects your sleep. You are mentally overworked, which can manifest through skin problems or lung pain. Attention should be paid to hands, fingers and hearing, which are more vulnerable than usual this time.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the fourth house
You may be troubled by problems related to home and family security. Emotionally, it’s like you’re sinking and returning to something that marked your childhood. Your relationship with your parents changes as well as your relationship with your children. You feel emptiness that spoils important relationships. Pay attention to eyes and food intake. More water retention than usual is possible.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the fifth house
You still have illusions about your creative possibilities even though art helps you take a break from your love problems. You want someone new to enter your life, but first you have to sort out other areas. Love just seems to be bypassing you right now. You may suffer from problems related to pregnancy, heart pain and poor circulation. Fertility is reduced and you seem to have no energy.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the sixth house
You don’t seem to value yourself very much. Work crisis is possible because you are tormented by guilt due to some situation from end of last year. You don’t believe it will get better and you are mentally exhausted. Infections are possible and even mental breakdown accompanied by immunity drop in case you have planets that will accentuate this transit.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the seventh house
You still harbour illusions about someone and sacrifice yourself for others you have idealized. You don’t hear what your surroundings are telling you and you don’t listen to yourself either. Projections on your partner are dangerous. You still haven’t learned to take care of yourself. Kidneys and urinary system are at risk, especially if you have had these problems before. Use this transit to eliminate sugar from your diet. Take special care if lower back pain appears as sign of imbalance in second chakra. Intense smell will bother you.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the eighth house
Irrational fear overwhelms you. Someone in your environment is prone to manipulation. You are struggling in relationship that is limiting for you. There are still illusions that it will go somewhere, even though real truth is that you are afraid of intimacy. Use this time to learn to rely on yourself and take care of your gut because of possibility of greater presence of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Reproductive system is also more sensitive than usual.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the ninth house
You are still tormented by limitations that someone has set. You believed a lie and still don’t know what is really true about whole situation. This is a moment to reconsider your life philosophy because Mercury will also be retrograde with Venus in same house. Pay more attention to liver and tendency to gain weight during retrograde period, especially in hips and thighs. Greater risk of accidents especially abroad, is possible due to absent mind.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the tenth house
You are afraid that you are losing control. You are also tormented by guilt because of something you said or did. Problems with your parent are possible as well as illusions about your career. Depression is there and you don’t really know what you’re feeling. Aging troubles you with sensitivity of bones, skin, and teeth. Career roadblock is taking longer than you expected.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the eleventh house
You are still tormented by painful event that you are turning over in your mind. You feel that your co-workers do not consider you as an equal. You are lonely in everything and cannot easily connect with environment. Take life into your own hands and reduce stress. Particular attention should be paid to dehydration and tense nervous system.
Retrograde Venus in Pisces in the twelfth house
It seems like depression resulting from lost unattainable love never seems to go away. You are confused and your dreams keep you in place where there is no hope that anything can change for the better. Get down to fixing your life and put an end to self-harm. Immunity is low and your hypersensitivity increases. All this is happening because you are out of body due to pain that you cannot deal with.
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