Maja Lazić
If you are a generation born in 1959-1962 or 1988-1991, you have Saturn in Capricorn (check in natal chart). We also had this during 2017-2020 when something important could have happened in your life that left a mark.
Saturn in Capricorn represents passive earth energy interested in structure, personal boundaries with tendency to suppress. Many books say that fall from position, problems with resources and difficulties entering adult world are possible. If person is prone to internal insecurity, he tries to compensate through material security, without previously taking responsibility for himself and his life.
He often regrets missed opportunities, doesn’t like himself or is disappointed in life and having no support system. He tends to have conservative view on circumstances and easily falls into depression when repressing his anger. He often tries to hold on to past. If he invests effort in rebuilding what has been broken and what does not support him, these efforts will always fail. He will not always let go of exactly what he has outgrown.
Transit with Pluto
If person has prominent Pluto that had transited this position in previous 15 years, he could resist his controlling environment, at work or home. Old systems of life crumbled and collapsed and he had to invest his time and energy in something else.
Aspects in natal chart will tell us a lot about what we can expect during life. Person learns who he is, but as much as he can it seems that his external success is not equivalent to emotional maturation. That’s why collapse happens.
We always associate Saturn with seven-year cycles, so we need to go back and see where it got stuck. When this person starts school, he generally begins to form his relationship with time and material things. At beginning of high school, he begins to mature and reject his parents’ upbringing, with tendency to rebellion and development of responsibility.
Growing up
During early twenties, person goes through crisis related to education and his own possibilities. Usually he finds his first job or can’t find one. He enters into significant relationship where he questions his perception of himself or suffers because someone doesn’t love him. When Saturn’s return happens, karmic lessons knock on the door. He has to behave more maturely to achieve goals he has.
Accepting responsibilities and dealing with pressures of adulthood or pregnancy, aging parents or limitations in terms of material possibilities, leads him to do something with his life. Usually in early forties, he changes his career if he realizes that it has not been productive enough. Nearing sixties he looks at parenting from a different angle, which is often connected with some health crisis.
During his second return, he is faced with reduced vitality, defeats or rewards. Al of this can lead him to come to terms with himself and realize whether or not he has been doing his best.
Old mistakes are repeated
Some people keep making same old mistakes and never learn their lessons. They realize that it is too late for changes. Some people manage to shape their lives according to new principles and correct their behaviour, letting go of guilt and being determined to finally become their own authority.
Their value system can change a lot. They demand security and duties must be put first. Person must, in addition to external life construction, focus on internal dynamics that are vital to healing. Rigidity of behaviour and attitudes from manipulation or fear and abuse of function are possible.
Problems at work are accompanied by bad teeth, weak immunity and sensitive skin, osteoporosis and depression. Increasing magnesium and calcium is therefore important. However, vital thing is that he faces his fear, lack of self-love and mistakes he believes he had made that cost him his career or family.
Saturn in Capricorn in first house
Saturn in first house teaches this person to take responsibility for their life and empower personal discipline. He wants to build himself up through career and social work. He finds it difficult to deal with lack of opportunities to advance. It is not easy for him to accept himself as he is because he is always perceived as flawed.
He may have great demands from his parents since childhood or need to take care of weak parents arises. It is very hard to get over their loss. Learn what his limits of physical body are by building routine to support himself. He often feels insecure and lacks objectivity. He has high standards for himself that he cannot reach. He fills his life with obligations and often tries hard where change is not possible.
Saturn in Capricorn in second house
Saturn teaches this person how to manage resources he has, be it talents or money. He does not spend money easily because he is afraid that he will not have enough for old days. Being responsible with money does not mean not spending, but missing opportunities to support him skills. He should invest in his talents and not just worry about how he will survive because he is his own greatest resource.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t think like that. He feels insecure in his own skin and sometimes denies it by overeating or eating unhealthy food. Excess weight is possible. He carries a heavy burden, in a way that it always shows on his face or his body. Losses that happen to him are related to his refusal to change.
Saturn in Capricorn in third house
It is not easy for his to be flexible because he has rigid attitudes. He tends to have a lot of work and is always busy. He studies and engages in education for fear of not knowing or being able to do something. He has goals for his career, but sometimes not enough courage to achieve them. Responsibility in communication is his biggest lesson, as well as honesty towards himself.
This Saturn does not let him see his abilities, controlling what he will say to environment which leads him to not understand himself or others. Relationships with friends are strained and are often severed even after many years of friendship. He should make an effort to uncover body’s intuitive messages and stop harming himself and his life through irrational behaviour.
Saturn in Capricorn in fourth house
Saturn here emphasizes insecurity about family life. He has hard time letting go of past and feels unsupported. He has low self-image, which is a consequence of his relationship with one of his parents. It seems like he didn’t grow up even in his thirties or he had to grow up too soon, never being a child.
Going out into adult world is difficult for him because family conditions are holding him back. He lacks emotional maturity thus lacking resources. Depression as consequence of emotional wounds leads to patterns of behaviour that bring him business success. This triggers deep emotional burden from which he escapes until his later years of life.
Saturn in Capricorn in fifth house
Saturn in this house can manifest as desire that he cannot achieve. Childhood is not easy, there is lack of happiness and joy. This is later reflected in relationships. He attracts partners who cannot or do not want to do something.
His inner child is wounded and he grows up with a lot of emotional pain. Sometimes he cannot receive love because he feels that he is not worthy of it. Creative goals are way to heal and find mature love that comes as an opportunity to see his partner as a mirror for his pain.
Saturn in Capricorn in sixth house
Saturn can manifest as work that does not align with this person or his inability to progress. He is often workaholic, but results are poor. He does not know how to balance amount of work with amount of rest. He feels deeply guilty when he is not working and may have financial problems.
He is not aware of his worth and often falls into depression. He can’t set boundaries and his behaviour is self-defeating. He is repressing something that has awakened deep identity crisis in him, but he denies it. Loss of job or property is proportional to sense of lack of personal worth.
Saturn in Capricorn in seventh house
Saturn in this house can manifest as difficulties in relationships. Person feels strong need to have contact with others and as if all his energy is focused on them. However, it seems he has little left for his needs feeling no satisfaction in those relationships. Especially because often others do not reciprocate and set boundaries. He is rejected by those to whom he gave too much until he learns to give himself first.
Endings and beginnings of relationships are challenging and painful. This can also manifest in contracts and business unions. He suppresses his emotions and avoids taking responsibility, so he often condemns his partner’s behaviour.
Although relationships are challenging when he re-examines his role in problems and decides to change himself as much as possible through shadow work things start to heal. This happens usually between first and second Saturn return. Marriage before first Saturn return usually ends painfully.
Saturn in Capricorn in eighth house
Saturn in this house manifests as theme of power and control that is abused. This can be related to sexuality or resources. He learns to rely on himself and feel safe with what he has or does not have. He controls environment to feel safe. Sometimes he has to experience breakdown in marriage or emotional life to realize how strong he is.
Theme of death and separation is emphasized and taught by those we love. He is learning to let go of pain, but he doesn’t understand and wonders why it has to be so painful. Intimate relationships scare him and he is prone to manipulation in them. He learns to release those emotions that he suppresses and find true satisfaction within himself. More honest communication, openness and dedication to light and not darkness or fatalism will help him in this.
Saturn in Capricorn in ninth house
Saturn creates strong beliefs that can limit him. He has no faith that he can overcome difficulties and problems. He feels that his philosophy of life does not support him. He often does not know what to do with his life. He chooses faculty he doesn’t like and doesn’t know how to achieve his goals with resources he has. His beliefs about life, the world and himself are changing and expanding.
If he’s lucky, he meets professors or teachings that will help him get rid of his fear. He can see life in a way that supports and doesn’t block him through opening his mind. Life change is related to education or travel to foreign country. Age brings wisdom and realization of what is really true and what is lie.
Saturn in Capricorn in tenth house
Saturn is strong in this house, but it doesn’t always have to be positive. Person must first be serious, disciplined and responsible. If he lacks one of those qualities, he can create lot of problems for himself that will awaken in him guilt that is inherited through ancestral line.
Conditions of his upbringing determine his later opportunities and whether he will shy away from hard work or strive to overcome challenges. Problems can occur with authorities if issues were also noticeable in relationship with parents. He learns to manage his life through managing business deals or important function at work. He often has leadership position and life full of changes that are publicly visible.
Saturn in Capricorn in eleventh house
Saturn in this house encourages person to be responsible, especially when he is part of group or when he leads through various institutions or establishments. He often has impression that environment is holding him back and that he cannot move forward despite changes he introduces. There is feeling of lack of support and sometimes this is accompanied by financial losses.
He repeats same old mistakes out of lack of courage to stand up to majority. His beliefs are that he cannot do it alone, especially if he does not have strong self-esteem. At one point in life, he realizes that he has outgrown those who were part of his growing up. By staying with them he loses opportunity to rebuild himself. Whether he will be a winner or a loser certainly depends on his choice of people he spends time with.
Saturn in Capricorn in twelfth house
Saturn in this house asks for release of everything that has been burdensome. He can regret something he did for years. He feels guilt and is prone to depressive behaviour, but often hides it from everyone. He has problems with unhealthy habits to compensate for what hurts him. He wonders if there is something more or if everything is just what he can see, touch and eat.
Old personality does not support him, but new personality demands that his role in family must change. He should overcome something that is still painful and may have been the same for his ancestors. He condemns himself to pain and finds it difficult to form healthy relationships. He can acquire resources, but he needs more than physical. Losses he experiences force him to get over disappointments and move on.
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