Maja Lazić
November 12, 2024



Last year in March when Pluto entered Aquarius, life took on a different frequency. Intergalactic way of life is not just something we will only continue to see in astronaut movies. During 2023-2024, we rose to the top and fell to the bottom while Pluto spent part of its transit in Capricorn. Now we are ready for cosmic heights!

Many of us only now, when Pluto has left Capricorn, begin to see importance of physical body, bones, skin, hair and nails. Many of us are beginning to be aware of disrespecting their physical limits and living an unhealthy life. They begin to realize how they did not live with integrity nor did they really respect themselves.

Lessons not learned at level of physical body can lead to serious health problems during Pluto in Aquarius. Nervous pathways are full of dense pent-up energy. This manifests what we have been repressing for past 15 years.

Unstable nervous system

Transiting Pluto tests our willpower, clearly seen through unstable nervous system, weak vitality and stomach problems. Pluto in astrology is related to large intestine and long-term energy that has not been released. It seems we cannot let go of painful emotions. This is now clearly visible on skin. For people who will have square with planets in fixed signs it will be manifesting through weakened bladder.

Pluto raises doubts about technological progress and many people wonder where their lives are going. Will online world completely replace life that we didn’t know to appreciate enough consisting of touch, blood, flesh and tears? Will you have a relationship with an avatar or a real person who, like you, sometimes has no strength to fight the system?

For many of us, this transit will lead to an outburst of resentment that has been building up for a long time. Virtual intelligence and ChatGPT offer answers. Those answers are cut off from the heart. Decisions that we could not make during transit of Saturn in Aquarius (2020-2023) must now be made. Still it seems like people are afraid and lacking confidence in themselves. This will be changed when Saturn enters Aries during spring of 2025.

Pluto is associated with reproduction, sexual organs and fear that still exist in root chakra. This transit can drastically change population/pregnancy rate and raise many ethical questions. Since Aquarius represents conflict and feeling that environment does not support real progress, many of us will become aware of hidden tension that they carry in energy field.

Where is Pluto in Aquarius?

Pluto in Aquarius is not somewhere far away, it is actually in everyone. Person with intergalactic features has been accustomed to 5D and astral world for years now, where you can feel energy of all (non)living creatures at any moment.

In this incarnation you are connected to all transiting plants. Only question is whether you recognize it at all if you haven’t integrated your natal planets. Those of us who are not aware of natal and transiting Pluto energy may be in situations that lead to serious psychological crisis if that is what it takes for you to become aware of this energy.

Attention will need to be paid to mastering energy flow and speed of your physical versus your intergalactic self. Especially because of advancements that have already been announced in car industry and aircraft. Greater attention is required during group sports activities and wherever there are large numbers of people (concerts, protests, gatherings).

Pluto in Aquarius at beginning of transit could increase discrimination and threats through social networks. This is due to cultural differences that are encouraged through subliminal messages in media. Criticism of society is becoming more common. It seems that social networks lead to fact that instead of making us feel connected, discord becomes greater.

Will mankind survive or is it unsure?

Pluto will show where we don’t feel safe as civilization despite progress made on material level. Why does man still feel threatened because of someone else’s success? Why are those who think differently made to feel left out? Why do we still hold on to what has never benefited us? On spiritual and cosmic level, progress is still not as it should be if we continue with old ways of thinking.

Uranus in Taurus, as current ruler of Pluto in Aquarius, has been preparing us since 2018 to stop abusing ourselves. Many people still continue to do this through fast food, passive lifestyle, auditory/visual consumption and accumulation where quantity has replaced quality.

Pluto activates part of us that feels irrelevant and left out even though it may have expensive clothes and house like in Hollywood movies. That part must go through cosmic adjustment and alignment with the winds of the Universe. If you are like me, then you could hear these winds and vibration changing.

Those who have been classified as “rebellious misfits” for years now trying to somehow get involved in life led by majority, now realize that there is no place for them in such world. It would mean suffocating individuality. We can all thank the Universe because now finally all of us with intergalactic features have no reason to hide!

Air signs

Those who have emphasized planets in Gemini, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and especially Aquarius at beginning of transit could be awake at night and compulsively think about problems. Should they do what everyone would normally do in their situation? Should they obey cosmic call of ancient or unseen civilizations? We are kept awake by this new frequency which is significantly faster. It is not easy for everyone to get used to this eccentric and innovative style of energy.

Pluto asks us to transform our nerve cells, but we still can’t emotionally let go of trauma that blocks brain pathways. This is especially noticeable for generation with Pluto in Scorpio who do not want to give up their controlling perspective because it means letting go of identity shield. We don’t feel that we are allowed to be who we are because we have been attacked for our differences throughout many lifetimes. Now we keep holding this position even if it works against us.

Those who claim that life cannot get better, that man must suffer, that we are condemned to pain because we were born as a mistake, will eventually have to succumb. My dear intergalactic companions, Cosmos makes no mistakes-rest assured. None of us is a mistake or has any mistakes in any way. Nothing that happens is not a mistake either, even when it is not optimal or which perhaps is extremely painful. Everything has its unique purpose in Life. Cold heart is not able to witness it.

Ruler Uranus in Taurus until 2026

Pluto’s transit lasts a long time and comes in phases, which I will talk about in time. Phase when Uranus is in Gemini can be a healing one through communication and learning new skills. As long as Uranus is in Taurus, discomfort due to changes we didn’t want keeps us stuck and creates pressure. This can be seen through lack of finances or unstable business opportunities.

These could have been changes for the better, too. Still nervous system of most people did not come to terms with them and psyche could not feel relief. Relaxation is necessary to activate this energy in your aura.

When Saturn is in Aries, many of us will be ready to finally set out to achieve goals and reveal our intergalactic identity. Beginning of this transit can be accompanied by problems with circulation or breathing. Muscle spasms or sharp pain in vital organs during night may show that our body is releasing traumatic memories that lie in past incarnations.

Light but nutritious diet will definitely help you integrate this new vibe. Salad with pumpkin seeds, pomegranate and pears with almonds and addition of cheese instead of roast meat and potatoes is more appropriate. Our body must have periods of starvation. This is what will help change vibration to which we are not well attuned yet.

Adapting to Pluto in Aquarius

Physical activities that involved sweating will not be as pleasant as they used to be. Pluto in air sign wants to “chill”. Sweating would only trigger inner feeling that something is not right and that we must release it.

As long as Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini, you may notice increased shoulder pain due to stress or displaced cervical vertebrae. Body is not relaxed because we still have no confidence in Life. Many of us are impatient and we overexert ourselves. Internal irritation which we are unable to release does not lead to a better life quality.

Pluto is also related to issues of control and its release. Stress management will be very important with regular breathing exercises that should be done every day. And when you ask me how much you need to do these exercises, I have only one answer – FOR THE REST OF THIS LIFE!

Fatigue, worry and exhaustion can be manifested through allergies if we continue to eat food that does not suit us. Pluto’s goal of integration in air sign of Aquarius is asking us not to eat too much. Body, in addition to all it does, is trying to complete elimination of ancient emotions. Do not hinder that process because it will be reflected in bad skin, hair loss and burnout.

Fixed sign

Pluto in Aquarius for those with emphasized fixed signs at beginning of transit could be manifesting as nervous behaviour. Some may experience overexcitement at minimal emotional stimulation, difficulty sleeping and obsessive thoughts. This can be especially noticeable for people who are in management positions, for entrepreneurs and those who work in HR sector.

Many of us feel pressure and find it difficult to balance work and private life not being able to give maximum on both sides. But everything happens at the perfect time when we adjust vibrationally to this new life tempo. Many of us still spend time on unnecessary things. We do not recognize energy waves that need to be followed. Weak energy and muscle tremors will show that defence system is overstimulated and that we cannot cope well with external influences. All this is a sign that you need REST.

Pluto in Aquarius is not a fan of touch, because it communicates non-physically. Many of us will be unaware of symptoms of our body, if we are not completely present in it. Very small number of people are present fully and all the time. For many people transiting Pluto must be connected with introduction of new habits. Old identity may have survived somehow, but your new intergalactic self requires different maintenance and energy servicing. It will be necessary to update your diet, physical activity and daily routine, especially if you feel anxious and frustrated.

How can we recognize Pluto’s energy?

If Pluto in Aquarius is not integrated, it can be recognized in moments of strong emotions of shame and embarrassment. W are not like others and we cannot be, but we keep going around in circles pretending we might fit in. Especially if this has to do with regret and guilt for past situations, humiliation and feeling of failure that has followed us since teenage years.

Everything during this two-decade transit aims to release suppressed feelings from our energy field. It is true that what we lost during transit of Saturn in Aquarius will not return. Feelings that we are not good enough and that is why we are not loved will be present if that is what needs to be worked on.

Many of us will feel at beginning of this transit that their efforts are not worth anything. They could feel that they cannot have something or not as capable as others to achieve goals or live how they would like.

If you still think that you cannot achieve what you want and that you cannot stand out with your talents, even though there is no one on this planet like you, then you will have problems with this transit. As long as you don’t love and appreciate your energy, no one else will. Intergalactic woman and man recognize their uniqueness and do not try to be something they are not.

Pluto in Aquarius during 2025

During 2025, Pluto will activate memories of abandonment, feeling of being rejected and far from others even when they were next to you. Memories when you felt like there was no place for you and that no one understood you will appear in your energy field. If you still feel unloved, rejected, excluded, abandoned, ridiculed for your looks or beliefs, if you are afraid that you have missed opportunities and that everyone has forgotten you – THIS IS YOUR TIME!

Pluto wants to manifest new opportunities when you unleash what is completely different and only exists in you to be visible to everyone. Do not condemn that part of yourself to premature death. Use all those emotions of despair, loss and worry to make your wishes and dreams come true.

I know you know, but it doesn’t hurt to remind you! It will help to limit time spent on computer, mobile phone and social networks. Do deep breathing exercises, drink more fluids and change your diet. These are just some steps and we can determine the rest during consultation according to your natal chart.

Final words

Although Pluto still has something to do with fear for many of us, this is a transit to not treat ourselves like robots. We should all be gentler with ourselves. When we accept our energy, everything that needs to happen will happen. Give yourself chance to fly, to rise high and see bigger picture of magnificence of your life.

Finally, if you still fear Pluto in Aquarius, despite everything I wrote about it here, cure is to become exactly what you fear. Yes, you heard me correctly-I challenge you! Let Pluto in Aquarius in next two decades initiate new intergalactic self in all of us. Let we all be free from fear and aware of living in world we are thinking, writing and dreaming about. Let we imagine a brighter future and breathe deeply while floating and walking on the clouds…

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