Maja Lazić
March 12, 2025

Neptune in Aries (2025-2039) time for the Rejected

Neptune is in Aries from 2025 until 2039. Regardless of quality of planet’s energy, there are sections in every natal chart. There is dominant part that represents the way we function. There is a part that is developed, but not often active. There is also shadow that represents energy available to us that we don’t use. And there are also primitive, rudimentary and underdeveloped parts of which we are unaware of with vulnerability within.

Neptune in Aries falls into this last group. Entering Aries it is not only changing sign, but also beginning new 165 year cycle. If everything that exists, consciously and unconsciously, concerning all species, is not united, collapse occurs. This is final lesson of twelve signs and their new beginning.

What is Neptune in astrology?

Neptune dreams of principles that transcend time and space. This planet is vibrating as immortality, infinity and transcendence. While Pluto is born and ready to die, Neptune floats. However, in order for something to change in this life, we must form relationship with it.

Often when there is no relationship, what is there is rebellion. This time rebellion represents all that we were blind to see. Those who have been rejected for years can no longer bear it.

Neptune in Aries starts fighting because it has been confused and depressed for too long. Now is the time to reorient ourselves and see where we are and what we are. Unfortunately, many people still wait for some planet to change sign, make an aspect or enter house instead of starting to rebuild relationship with it on day-to-day basis. When planet enters a new sign, it is already too late.

Neptune in Pisces and beyond…

Neptune will return to Pisces on October 22nd and stay there until January 26th, 2026. In a way we are still lost in old that is disappearing. The new one has not been created yet. Those who know basics of astrology probably also know that everyone’s life consists of everything that is in natal chart, visible and invisible. However, some parts are lived through other people. It’s not all happening in our experience. We live some things through friends/environment and a lot through movies and music.

However, Neptune in Aries no longer wants to watch movies and live through them. He wants to LIVE. He wants to be ALIVE. He wants to fight for what he believes in. No, it’s not too late. We have come at the right time, but it is necessary to find new meaning that will lead to self-awareness.

Neptune and Saturn in Aries

What inspires you to go for what many have given up on? Neptune and Saturn, which enters Aries from end of May, although returning to Pisces again during fall, are representing an abyss. Before Saturn, many stand paralyzed by the unknown. These two planets have power to initiate development or cause dissolution.

Some are stuck in the past and are trying really hard to revive it. Medicine that brings them back to their old life does not exist. Now we are all called to find strength, faith and confidence in our own abilities for some higher goal. No more illusions. This transit is especially beneficial to anyone who feels sluggish, is always cold or afraid to do something what must be done.

What did you dream about all these years? Well, you can forget about that, unless you are brave enough to reach for the stars. So what is the right action now, followed by intuitive knowledge for the purpose of self-improvement? Many people will feel excessive sensitivity of nervous system and greater tendency towards cold and flu. This calls for caution, especially if you have problems with sleep. Neptune in Pisces has been sleeping for too long, but Neptune in Aries is waking up at dawn.

Transition from Pisces to Aries and vice versa

That’s why this transition from Pisces to Aries and back from Aries to Pisces on 22nd of October, 2025 represents time when we are learning how and when to rest and be active. On the other hand, North Node in Aries, which changed its sign in January this year, entering Pisces, indicates that spiritual stagnation has certain karmic dynamics as its consequences. Where we were silent, we will become noisy.

Silence is no longer alluring. Noise heals and brings to the fore those who are persistent and have willpower. Eclipses have also been paving way for last year and a half through Aries. And isn’t it strange how the Universe organizes that just one day after the eclipse in Aries, Neptune enters this sign?! It is also followed by Venus and Mercury in Aries all moving retrograde from that eclipsed degree.

All this says that 2029 will be the time when we will see what Neptune in Aries has actually implemented. By then we will be overstimulated or under pressure. Some situations will escalate and cause outbursts of anger. Food mutation and pollution result in tired and exhausted individuals who abandon themselves in order to endure.

Neptune and other long term transits

Neptune will be supported during this transit by Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini, but will also be accompanied by Jupiter in Gemini this spring. Ruler Mars is in shadow until beginning of May, so evolution no matter life area seems like unknown territory, which raises tension. House where Neptune in Aries is located in your natal chart will manifest events in two ways.

The first and more common way is through shock, intensity change, accident or global events. The second way is gradual and slow because we will be too busy. In both cases, irritation leads to reactivity. Retrograde cycle certainly provides chances to leave something behind.

Aries Sun or ascendant people who have skipped doing something or avoid healing are very likely to have health problems. Riots, rapid discovery of things that have been hidden for centuries, climate change, global warming as well as fire or water problems are challenges in front of us. Immigrants and depleted energy resources of planet Earth are also associated with this transit.

Neptune, Uranus & Pluto

Neptune will aspect Uranus until 2027 which represents technological integration, new AI machines that no matter how fast human mind is, we still cannot keep up. Intense influence of media will encourage scattered thoughts. And as much as we are open to new things, we have to adapt to faster way of life. Manic behaviour will be more common and psychological disorders in children and young people or even challenges immediately visible at birth.

Aspect will also be active with Pluto from next year until 2032, when visionary urge will intensify in order to stir social excitement. However, Neptune in Pisces must realize that going back to old ways out of safety makes no sense. Courage, willpower and strength are needed now. Does it make sense to fight for the old or initiate something new? This question will interest many.

Final thoughts

However, for some people, weakened immune system means that now is not time to start. Especially if you are depressed, tired and lethargic – but Neptune’s entry into Aries will definitely boost your energy. Although instinct for evolution will be emphasized, it will be accompanied by anger and intolerance for many people this year. When Neptune returns to Pisces, it will be accompanied by guilt and sorrow.

Growth of global consciousness is happening, but there is still strife over beliefs, power and resources. When such major planetary shift is taking place, rest and grounding are needed. Manipulation of humanity must stop and this will be helped by Saturn near Neptune from May until 2028. Unfortunately, human progress will not be accompanied by longer lifespan.

Technological progress will contribute to conflicts. Many will aspire to be the first, always faster and better. However, even though our deepest convictions define us, we should not forget that nature, and not man, has the last word in everything.

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