Maja Lazić
In a natal chart, everything is constantly moving and your natal chart is a transit chart for a specific day. That’s what it becomes over time. When you see yourself in the transit chart and what your natal aspects have turned into and where they are going, life becomes much easier. You get to a point where you accept yourself. Therefore, even if the astrologer receives wrong data, an incorrect time or date of birth, interpretation will be correct. Person’s chart evolves at any given moment is a transit chart for the day of the interpretation.
Above all, astrology aims to help us understand challenges we face throughout life. Activated by transits that contribute to finding lost life’s meaning, we go through cycles of change. In some cases secondary progressions will show a key theme, but it is always necessary that Moon and Sun are involved in it.
Through progressions, natal chart energy develops. Important years in life showing change in natal chart key theme can be when Moon changes its sign, as it moves one degree every month. Important factor is also when Sun changes sign or house, because it moves one degree every year. Everything points to a person’s need to grow through new experiences.
Example of a stellium
For example, a person who was born with a stellium in the first house, when natal planets through progressions enter the second house or another sign, develops endurance and may have a greater need for peace.
Inner loneliness can be present if she used to live a life that was full of events, but truly emotionally empty. Need to create beautiful life in a new way will be primary. It is possible that finance will be one form of manifestation of this energy.
Planet is energy and sign shows how it is expressed-what is a basic rule. House is a place where we will feel this energy-another rule. But the biggest challenges and key life themes usually involve a planet in opposition or square. Usually this is immediately noticeable in person’s energy. Transit will be the trigger. Also, important principle in astrology is that each transit serves to develop natal aspects.
Prominent planets
If a planet is conjunct the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house and is involved in opposition and square aspects, this indicates that its aspect will manifest physically. Such planet in all other aspects highlights something that must happen in a person’s life or a certain experience which will demand attention.
Such prominent planets, but involved in a trine do not in most cases show an emphasized theme. As aspects indicate person’s primary energy flow, each aspect will be manifested differently depending on whether the emphasized planet is in a fixed, mutable or cardinal modality.
House systems
If something exists in natal chart, it does not mean that it will necessarily be a problem. For example, in case of intercepted house, if we change house system and instead of Placidus use Koch, whole signs or equal houses, natal chart changes, too. Planet in the first house can suddenly be in 12th or 2nd house. Each system makes sense and should not be mixed!
Changing the system also changes house cusps and their rulers, so nothing in astrology should be taken for granted. You should never focus too much on just one thing and be exclusive. Key topic in the twenties can be something completely different in the fifties or if the person has moved to another continent. That is why natal chart analysis should be done many times in life.
However, planet on a house cusp will always indicate evolutionary intention in this incarnation and primary life experiences. Energy will have to be manifested in that way. Cusp planet is our connection with the physical world and person’s ability to ground ourselves and put our life on a stable foundation.
Houses of initiation
Roots that make up life are seen through all four corners of natal chart and relationship that exists between them because everything is part of the whole even when there is no connection. But to interpret any aspect we have to interpret it through planets on ASC, IC, DSC or MC.
For example, if a person has Moon square Uranus aspect and Pluto is on ascendant, this aspect will be interpreted completely differently compared to someone who has same aspect, but does not have a planet on ascendant. Same aspect will manifest differently.
Reason for this is because ASC,IC, DSC and MC are initiation points. There is always something active and something that we urgently need to do. Change when a transiting planet comes on that degree is always certain and usually indicates a turning point in life. These are our karmic foundations.
Most people have connection with their ascendant and MC, but problem is usually IC and DSC. When transits happen on that degree we usually feel like a huge shift is going on. Nevertheless, we have to go through that experience because it is necessary for our key life theme.
Person who has a planet on ascendant sees everything through that planet – that’s why we interpret such natal charts differently. First of all, this person physically came into the world in the manner of that planet. That planet will define her reality in every part of her life.
For example, person with Neptune on IC generally does not have a strong foundation and may feel ungrounded and disconnected from the physical world. He doesn’t know how to feel deeply rooted and doesn’t seem to understand practical obligations of everyday life. He usually does not feel that environment and family members support him.
House cusp
It should be noted that house cusp and house itself are not the same. Ascendant is not the same as the first house. Also, we create every other aspect through ascendant. The first house is only a house in a chart and does not have to have a connection with other houses. If there is a planet that has an aspect with a cusp, we should use a small orb and take into account which modality and element is emphasized.
Planet that is ascendant ruler should be analysed with planets that rule IC, DSC and MC in order to determine if there is an aspect that connects them. It is necessary to determine planetary condition, its dignity, whether it is retrograde, etc. Some people have a cross that is formed through ASC, IC, DSC and MC. Not all of us have this in our chart. Also, sometimes if a planet is weak it doesn’t have that much influence on a cusp.
Even if you have no knowledge of astrology, ask yourself if you feel like parts of your natal chart hold together as a whole. Do you intuitively feel that parts of your natal chart are torn apart? You really don’t need astrology knowledge to gain this insight and it’s much more important what your personal feeling is.
It is necessary to determine which house ruler went to which house. If ASC, IC, DSC and MC are in fixed signs, person is usually very stable, but may lack dynamism in expression. She will usually have a strong connection with the physical and this may be her key theme – creation and materialization.
If we have a prominent mutable modality, person may have fluid energy, but persistently search for stability and have trouble materializing desires. If transiting planet stays on ASC for a long time, person again goes through activation of natal themes on a different level. It can indicate an identity crisis and major life changes.
However, most of all, which themes and how they will manifest during lifetime depend on what we do with our energy each day. Each person’s natal chart requires different approach. Every natal chart I see is always a new way of analysis, a new technique and a new perspective of interpretation. That’s why astrology for me and interpretation of natal charts is a true linguistic art!
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