Maja Lazić
March 13, 2025

MERCURY RETROGRADE IN ARIES & PISCES March 15th – April 7th, 2025

Mercury retrograde in Aries returns to Pisces again on last day of March. At the same time, Mercury is traveling accompanied by retrograde Venus, which I have already written about. This is the time when we will be submerged to the bottom of sea to be healed. We were unsure of ourselves at beginning of March. Also, defence mechanisms seem to be much stronger than anything we planned and thought of. Therefore, many plans have failed.

From March 1st until April 27th, Mercury is in shadow. Everything that needs to be completed, signed, bought or sold can become complicated. While Mercury is in Pisces, intuition is heightened with chance to reconnect with life force. Mercury will be in close relationship to Neptune, North Node and Saturn. This gives us bigger picture to understand why we have to break with old patterns of behaviour.

These unhealthy patterns can be activated if major release does not occur in our mind. However, that relief will only happen when Mercury goes direct in second half of April and returns to Aries. Then we will be able to tell the truth and truly live it.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury is retrograde until final way of March in Aries, then returns to this sign again in April. However, period from 25th of March is very important due to conjunction to Sun. This should be linked to 3rd of March when Mercury had encountered Neptune. It is possible that some situation occurred when we realized that we finally had to get down to business.

What is actually most distressing is that Saturn is conjunct Mercury for the first 15 days of April. We will have to be more serious in communication, but it is possible that final breakdown of communication will happen. If you have sent messages since March 1st and have not received any replies, there will be no further replies in the future.

Someone will feel abandoned and betrayed and have impression that certain topics are constantly being denied. Someone will blame themselves, but unresolved issues will most likely remain as such for many.

Mercury retrograde and aspects

Those who have spiritually drained themselves have opportunity to gain insight into this situation and find out why something happened. Maybe they will get chance to heal themselves. However, on 5th and 6th of March, Mercury had a conjunction to Pluto which is repeated on 26th of March. Mercury is retrograde at that time, but this will happen again in second half of April when it will be direct. These days can be far from quiet time. We will need to understand that reality has changed.

We will also have to accept responsibility for situation that happened during eclipse. Many relationships, friendships and acquaintances may end forever now. The second half of March is a very sensitive time, especially on last day when Neptune enters Aries, which I have already wrote about.

This is a new reality that is being activated as Neptune will be making aspects with Mercury all the time. We will all have to hear something that may not be pleasant. Still, it’s much better to hear it now than to cry later.

Mercury in Aries serves to reassess life direction and realizes that something has truly ended. Some of us would like to be friends with our ex, but there is nothing from this friendship either. We realize that friendship we would choose is not sufficient in relation to their wishes. It is true that some relationships will be renewed and initiated, but this concerns Venus retrograde.

What else does Mercury retrograde do?

Mercury is being separated from Jupiter which means we have to let go of something we believed in, face it and be objective. Many of us simply do not seem to have enough emotional security when it comes to communication. It is associated with outer Mercury representing Gemini and third house.

This means, when Mercury is of good quality and condition, that communication is active. Since Mercury is now retrograde, that changes and in Aries it warns us to slow down.

This also applies to traffic, because Chiron is very close and towards which both Mercury and Venus are headed, but they are not quite ready to deal with it. Chiron’s wounds will open again in last week of May.

Problem with external Mercury is for people who ignore facts or are not aware of connotation of words. Also those who are not very good with numbers or do not like to communicate through writing. It is not easy for those who tend to only listen to themselves when speaking or who are not interested in what other party has to say.

Other challenges

External Mercury reminds us that in March we should be wiser and more discerning, beware of excitement and hasty reactions. We need to be more adaptable, especially in situations when we are faced with someone’s anger. There is also inner Mercury which in astrology is associated with Virgo and sixth house.

This is completely opposite theme and polarity because Mercury is in Pisces. Inner Mercury is prone to analysis, so we will analyse too much and unfortunately ignore what we should. We will mostly be thinking about past issues still aware that our plans are not possible.

Reasoning in communication is more problematic for anyone who has impression that their mental capacity is declining. If you are confusing by nature, you easily forget and cannot remember what you should do or what you promised, you will be prone to criticism in your environment. Many will feel guilty for what they have no influence on.

Other problems

Mercury in Pisces has problem with excess thoughts, so we can feel very exhausted. It will appear that all mental pathways are extremely worn out. If you are someone who has planets or ascendant in Gemini or Virgo, your ruler is now retrograde.

During retrograde cycle, many will feel need to withdraw into themselves precisely because Venus is retrograde, too. It’s very good if that retreat involves alternative healing.

Many will be troubled by enormous noise, all details and obstacles that overwhelm us. Obstacles have nothing to do with real situation at all, but simply with our outlook on life.

If you have birthday now

Anyone with conjunction or opposition to Mercury in natal chart should be very careful. Especially if they have birthday near eclipse, they will be confused about what to do. It is very likely that we will be dealing with illusions. This especially applies to second eclipse, which will be at degree where Mercury and Venus started retrograde.

It is possible that we will fool ourselves and have impression that what we need to solve is bigger than us. Many have completely turned off intuition and are not connected to higher mind at all. It’s all related to aspects that are happening.

According to natal house for some of you this all relates to business situation. Mars is important here as ruler, but it is in shadow. It is not ideal situation for us to achieve our wishes and take action.


Especially in partnerships, we still have questions. It seems like there is lot of communication and then all of a sudden, just silence. And you will never hear from that person again. Some will have problems with violent thoughts during Mercury retrograde in Aries. Beware of impulsive actions when you are angry and dissatisfied.

Mercury in Aries wants to initiate, and since it is retrograde it will not be able to do so. Mercury in Pisces gives up because it realizes it couldn’t do something before, but things change. Uranus will arrive at the 24th degree of Taurus just as Mercury goes retrograde.

Especially in days before retrograde begins, you may have noticed that your role in environment has changed. Many people had impression that society they used to hang out with no longer share their views on life. Many will have impression that they should turn to spontaneous acquaintances. It is certainly necessary to connect this with sign of natal Mercury and which house it rules.

Increased tension

Tension is high, especially due to degree of eclipse. In March you should beware of frustration as trigger for impulsive behaviour. It would be smarter for all of us to take a breath and wait a bit instead of arguing. Some will realize that it has been brewing in them for years. They have been working against themselves for a long time.

Before you do something, think carefully and don’t be victim of your own anger. Do not hurt yourself or someone in your environment. Getting anxious about money is still very possible.

Mars in Cancer is really impatient because its ruler has gone direct, but still nothing is happening. The only thing is that we will be more violent and impulsive in communication when emotions are awakened. If at all possible, count to ten especially before you say or send anything online.

Various electrical failures can occur or devices suddenly die out or you feel something constantly burning in your environment because our perception of smell may change.

What don’t you want?

What we no longer want must finally come out of our lives. If we continue to try to preserve it, we will be hurt. Change of attitude and behaviour regarding desires will help us. New wishes appear that we can manifest.

However, during March, many will experience identity crisis. This especially applies to Aries and Virgos, who will feel insecure, especially when it comes to relationships. In March retrograde Mercury makes opposition to Libra, too.

Many people, especially if they have planets in Aries or Libra, will feel that they have lost power in their partnership. As if there is no more balance in marriage. Many couples will have need for freedom. Polarity in Libra is really emphasized, so it is important to learn who we can give advice to and who we cannot help.

Question for Mercury retrograde

What really matters to you? How do you communicate to support yourself? First of all, it will be necessary to create new identity. Try to heal during Mercury retrograde. Get rid of something from your past, especially during Mercury in Pisces.

If you have been repressing something for a long time now is ideal time for present moment to help bring it to consciousness. Messages regarding your future will come in dreams, through meditation and sport.

Retrograde time is ideal to slow down and breathe. This is the time to listen to your inner voice and pay attention to what environment is telling us. We need to be open to feedback, ask ourselves what is best in certain situation and do it throughout May. And if you feel like you don’t have enough energy, take a break and turn off your devices while you recharge your mental batteries in silence.

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