Maja Lazić
July 17, 2024


MERCURY RETROGRADE IN VIRGO/LEO 5th -28th of August 2024

The more we have separated ourselves from our true nature, the harder Mercury retrograde periods are for us. We complain that we have too much work or that our colleagues do not keep their promises and that neighbours are too noisy. Everything is postponed and we are not satisfied with the quality. Our health is weak and mental clarity is lacking.

Our head is full of thoughts that are like bin that we forgot to empty a long time ago. Now garbage is overflowing in all directions. And maybe again like too many times before you are ruminating some old stories that no one wants to listen, because it is useless. Maybe your devices are break down even though they were working fine. Energy is dense. Energy is flowing. Hmm, we’re confused!

Our friends don’t understand us very well these days. We don’t remember promises we made that this time we will really love ourselves more. We forced ourselves on rigorous diets and exercise regimes opting for various laborious and ineffective techniques that contributed to feeling drained and tired. It’s time to take off these rose-tinted glasses and take a good look at ourselves. We hurt ourselves again and again. We believed we were doing the right thing. But we got ourselves hurt all the time…

Mercury Retrograde can also be beneficial!

This retrograde Mercury in Virgo and Leo is not romantic, emotional and sentimental. This energy is efficient, fast, problem-focused and solution-oriented. The only thing is that it is very possible that you are in resistance. However, in order to access the beneficial energy of Mercury, you must first let go of the old stories that do not serve you and finally become the main character in the novel of your life.

Mercury on the 5th of August turns retrograde from the 4th degree of Virgo, which it reached the day before. Its retrograde path lasts until the 21st degree of Leo until August 28th. Mercury will leave this degree only on September the 1st and everything that was broken or waiting to be completed will finally be solved. From 17th of July Mercury is in shadow and this period ends on 12th of September. This is a much longer period that you need to be careful and pay attention to your daily obligations.


At the beginning of the retrograde cycle already on the 8th of August, retrograde Mercury in Virgo is in conjunction with Venus in the same sign which it rules. Some relationships are completed and some problems cannot be resolved. Differences are too big or it is just that little thing that is impossible to overcome.

However, some people we loved so much are still in our minds. Energy we spend to keep them there takes away space for realization of some of our great desires. It all has to do with being aware of one’s self-worth and we’ll be working on that while Mercury is retrograde in Leo starting 16th of August. Until that date it is retrograde in Virgo.

Already on 18th of August retrograde Mercury will square Uranus in Taurus at the 27th degree. Some form of obstacle or disappointment is an opportunity to give yourself freedom to do and think differently this time. That stress may last until the end of September for some of you, too. Change has happened, and it is not easy to come to terms with it in your head. It implies adaptation and flexibility. If you have an emphasized fixed energy, this is not something that comes naturally to you.

Full Moon and Mercury retrograde

The following day on the 19th of August on Full Moon in Aquarius if you have not been able to make a change, this energy can be further exaggerated. This may be triggered by an emotional crisis that originates from February-March 2023. Internal narrative should reflect your proactive self-care. However, if this is not the case, do not add fuel to fire now.

Personal truth comes to the fore and events from the past take on that piece of the puzzle that was missing when we give ourselves opportunity to feel pain. Individuals who lack personal autonomy and misuse their free will may finally begin to see that they have been abusing their power and authority for a long time. Some will repent and choose to proceed differently and more wisely.

Pluto in Capricorn clears it all, especially starting September. Mainly situations where there is only personal interest begin to reach its completion. Crisis to remain free and independent may be present as a reminder that some of your desires compromise well-being of your family. Many will break free from a part of their personality that is holding them back. Retrograde Mercury can contribute to this through introduction of healthy habits and greater awareness in existing activities.

Other aspects

Also, retrograde Mercury in Leo will have a trine with Chiron in Aries on the 23rd degree on 23rd of August. If a love relationship ended last summer or you were disappointed and realized that there is nothing from this person you can expect in the future, this is the time to finally heal your heart and forgive.

What happens on 24th of August is that retrograde Mercury at the 22nd degree of Leo is in sextile with Mars at the 22nd degree of Gemini. It is an ideal opportunity to make new resolutions and make a commitment to support yourself. If you haven’t been able to read and a pile of books on self-development is waiting on your bedside table, it’s time to give them away. Donate or replace them with new titles.

Transits after retrograde Mercury

In September Mercury will have an opposition with Saturn on the 18th -19th and with Neptune in Pisces on the 25th -26th. At that time you might see if challenge you were facing has really been solved.

It would be useful as Mercury enters shadow period to introduce breathing exercises from 17th of July or chanting mantra “Ra Ma Da Sa”. This can help and benefit you for any subsequent Mercury retrograde periods to come.

Although this is just one common retrograde cycle, it still causes fear, worry and anxiety for many of you. It is a sign that energy of Mercury retrograde that you have accumulated throughout your life needs to be healed in order to evolve your consciousness. Here’s what else can help you with that!

How to use this transit?

First of all, use Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Leo to recognize and become aware of what mental or emotional wound exists and have never truly healed. Solving problems is only possible if we approach them not as a victim, but as a person who takes responsibility for his own healing.

Give yourself permission to feel sadness, anger or whatever emotion is stuck inside of you. Allow yourself to fully feel this pain of the past in safe conditions. Maybe someone said something to you and it hurt so much that it still resonates in you. Perhaps you attended a workplace event that was so unpleasant that you never got it out of your head. Maybe those you loved so much never respected you and that’s why you doubt your worth from a young age.

This is not the time to wait for someone else to do something for us, to support us, strengthen us, etc. Don’t wait for someone to love you and assure you that they are there or that they will help you. Be there for yourself now. Devote time every day to radical self-care.

Introduce a new exercise program that you like and after which you feel like you are more you. Give yourself a challenge. Exercise in nature if you normally do it at home or in the gym. Climb a mountain and give your body a chance to sweat out toxic energy.

Healing during Mercury Retrograde

This is the time to recognize our mistakes, to say what we think and open ourselves to communication with a sense of responsibility. If something is not clear-do not hesitate to ask questions. Also, spend more time with friends you haven’t seen in a long time. However, if some friendships no longer make sense and do not support you on your way, use that time to read and write a diary.

The key now is to stick to your word and be present even when conversations are difficult. Listen to what your environment is telling you. Even when it seems that it has nothing to do with you or that it is not reasonable because it contradicts your values.

Give yourself space, but also give that space to people in your life to think and fix if possible what is up to them. Reorganize your space, too. Clean and arrange your work and living space so that it supports you more. By all means, if there is an issue, fix it as soon as possible! And remember that less is more during retrograde cycle. Limit your need to clarify and explain yourself to those with whom you otherwise have communication problems.

Why is this transit specific?

This retrograde Mercury in relation to the previous ones has several goals to achieve. First of all, it is there to help us stop looking at life the way we have been doing so far. This applies to both work and emotional relationships. New structure of consciousness will manifest new reality over the coming months if we open ourselves to the Higher Mind.

And how do we know that we make decisions from it? Higher Mind is always connected to the present moment. It is not in the past or in the future, but everywhere it sees synchronicity which serves as a support and a guide. This synchronicity is a characteristic of living in harmony with personal truth. Then achieving goals and carrying out plans is much easier.

Life is then an eternal flow and physical reality takes on warmth and light that you may never have seen before, but you remember. Those who have allowed themselves to open to new insights and embraced their path of Truth will use this transit to nurture creativity and deepen their connection to roots of Life.

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