Maja Lazić
October 19, 2021

Inspiring Astrologers

I always knew that there were astrologers who shared similar values and who sought knowledge in the way I did. For the purpose of this article, I have interviewed 14 astrology experts whose books and work in astrology inspires me. They were interviewed via Skype or by email during September, 2021. It was all happening while I was having Jupiter return in my 3rd house, conjunct my natal Sun, Venus and Mercury in Aquarius.

When I first started exploring astrology about 15 years ago, my main goal was to understand myself better. Influenced by the environment and the media, I didn’t really believe that astrology was something that could be learned. Astrologers where depicted as fortunetellers. Being interested in astrology had a very negative connotation.

Thirst for astrology books

Resources on astrology were very limited in my country, but there were tons of ‘astrologers’. Unfortunately, the situation hasn’t changed much. There was a lot of darkness and prejudice connected to it. My opinions and approach to astrology focused on personal power and free will was at first considered strange. As well as my continuous studying in this field! People who knew me wondered why I chose astrology instead of working as a professor of philology and pursuing my teaching career.

Weltschmerz seemed heavy on my shoulders. The only way I could find relief was through searching for deeper meaning. My Soul was calling me through the language of astrology, but it was not easy to trust at first. Yet, I soon read all the famous astrology books ever published and translated into my language. I found ways to study at the deepest possible level. Astrology tickled my attention and my transformation was initiated.

There were only about thirty books on astrology translated in my language at that time. I was able to find original astrology classics mostly in dodgy antique shops and flea markets if I had luck. My mother would bring me astrological literature from foreign countries, mostly England. Even now it is still impossible to buy a book on astrology in English in a bookshop in my country. That is why every book I was able to purchase and study from meant a world to me.

Studying astrology

I am completely self-taught in astrology. I am very proud of that. I had to learn it on my own. I had to pave the road to myself without anyone holding my hand. However, my ‘teachers’ were all the literature I was able to find (about 300 books up to this moment). The most difficult for me was that I had no one to talk to about astrology or ask for clarification.

On the other hand, this had a result of making me trust my intuition and my astrological knowledge. It furthermore forced me to persevere and not give up. But I admit that sometimes it seemed like it all was a very Faustian bargain. There were days I felt like Don Quixote, too.

Important note

That is why I must emphasize if you want to learn astrology, that it needs more than just one lifetime. And it is your willpower, self-discipline and drive that will make you break it or make it. But I always knew that hard work can outwork anything!

That is why not a day passes by that I do not expand my knowledge through working with clients and studying. For me best part of astrology is that the process of learning is never-ending. There is always a new way to look at things and broaden what you know! And I know that what actually helped me overcome difficult and challenging circumstances in my life is studying astrology!

Inspiring astrology books and their authors

I want to mention some of the books that made a huge influence on me. Their authors inspired my consulting practice and my approach to clients. All these authors shared their stories on how astrology got into their life and why it became a pillar for everything else. More information about each of the authors can be found in the interviews listed below and my clicking on their name.

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‘Claiming your Power through Astrology’ by Emily Klintworth

This spiritual workbook is a tool that really helped me become aware of my inner power as individual. It enabled me to heal the patterns in my chart I was still not accepting or using in the highest way. In this book I have found a companion on my sometimes lonely road to becoming an astrologer! I was mesmerized by Emily’s unique approach to astrology focused on taking the ownership of the energy in our life. I cherish so much that I was able to meet her!

Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart comprehensive guide to classical interpretation’ by Kevin B. Burk

This book helped me put my astrological knowledge into practical use. Kevin is an excellent teacher. That was visible from the first paragraph in his book. His methodology clearly shows that his knowledge is rooted in extensive practice and exploration of how astrology can be the most beneficial. His practical and refreshing approach helped me gain deeper understanding of my life path to thrive to achieve harmony with the Universe. I am mostly inspired by his honesty in his books. I have to admit that I have learned lots of tricks from his work!

Understanding the Natal Chart’ by Suzanne Rough

This book is written in such a way that I had a feeling Suzanne was communicating with me on a higher level apart through the words on the pages. Her supreme knowledge of astrology is a true motivation! I admire that she writes about esoteric astrology in order to support spiritual developmet. That is a topic I am highly interested in.

A Spiritual look at the 12 signs’ by Joseph Polansky

This book had a major influence on me to start using astrology as a healing tool. His meditations dedicated to each sign and zodiac energy were something I was very in tune for intrinsically.  Joseph was for me a role model in helping me attune to the voice I had to listen. I admire his approach to astrology which has not just heart, but Soul in it! His book inspired me to dedicate my YouTube channel to meditations that help to heal natal planets. But without Joseph’s book I would not be brave enough to listen to my gut. For me astrology is a part of my spiritual path and this is the highest value I got from it in my personal life. This book helped me help myself!

Essential Astrology’ by Amy Herring

This book immediately became a bestseller in my country. I wish I had written it because it not only breaks down how astrology works, but it does so in a modern and witty way. It helped me gain a lot of confidence in my knowledge and my practical use of astrology. I especially liked that Amy talked about archetypes and key words offering questions to make you not just learn astrology, but also think like an astrologer.

Pluto-(psycho)dynamics of shadow and complex’ by Matjaž Regovec

This book totally transformed my world and my outlook on life. It helped me overcome and unblock the parts of myself that were limiting my authentic expression. It was something I very much needed to become a better astrologer, but most importantly to see the traits of my character that I had pushed aside and which would come to haunt me later.

Interpreting Solar and Lunar Returns: a psychological approach’ by Babs Kirby and Janey Stubbs

This book left a great impression on me as to being thorough and methodological. It helped me expand the knowledge I have already had on this topic. Solar Returns are often something requested from my clients and this book helped me a great deal to systematically use this technique. I especially liked the examples and step by step approach!

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Suzanne Rough esoterically oriented astrology

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

One afternoon, when I was about 8-9 years old, my mother and I were reading after lunch (people did those kind of things as a matter of routine back then!). In a magazine that my mother had been reading I found a small feature on birth stones. It was not the first time I had come in contact with this idea, but this small article included a chart enabling me to check out my own, that of my mother and the rest of the family. My mother, a Sagittarian, told me the small amount that she knew about it and reminded me of the Sapphire blue necklace her brother had given her for her 21st birthday and how, somehow, he had known her birth stone. It was a small episode but it has remained impressed upon my mind. I knew at the time that my level of engagement with this conversation had been of a completely different order. This was what it meant to be truly interested.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Accept that in the first couple years you will paying your dues to Astrology. Much of what you are studying will be confusing and boring. It takes you ages to collect up and assimilate the information you need, but hopefully, circumstance will give you by the kind of incentives which will enable you to press on. I nearly gave up twice in the first years because I was so slow. I did not see how this would be practically possible. In year 3-4 you will have a breakthrough onto a higher level after which you will build momentum and speed, or you will give up. Learning situations are under law of octaves. Do not be in too much a hurry to be known as Astrologer.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

I found a way to free it from the grip of psychology so that it could do what Astrology is designed to do which is to help us look ahead. The insights of psychology are very valuable – they certainly gave astrology some much-needed credibility and respectability in the 1980s-90s -but they do not give Astrology its purpose which is to help us manage the time of our lives and that involves finding our purpose.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

Yes, it bored me nearly to death. The poor woman who certainly understood astrological principles well, did not know how to deploy them in a reading. She threw at me everything she could pull of the chart. The reading went on for ever, unstructured, unfocused, and full of euphemisms. I am a double Scorpio (Sun/Moon) with Pluto in exact square aspect to the Sun. In those years I was not a ‘little bit’’ anything; barely even a little bit human; I was extreme, obsessive, and dysfunctional. The reading did not help me at all. Thirty years on from this experience, I urge readers to ask the client why they have come for a reading and what they want to know.

Let those questions structure the reading and give you permission to get at the unflattering personality stuff that is at the root of all our problems, and wake a person up to themselves.

All Moon in Scorpio, for example, need to understand that the problem is in us not out there and to deal with their behavior consciously. Then the Moon can fall (lose its control over our emotional being; Scorpio is the sign of the Moon’s Fall) and we will be free. It is like coming out of a dark tunnel full of stale air and bat’s droppings, into the rest of our lives. This kind of jolt gives the point to Western Astrology now.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Client Work. I have kept every single chart I have ever created, and they number around 3,000. I owe everything I know that is practically useful to my clients.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

Maintaining boundaries. If you have knowledge that could help somebody struggling with a problem, their own or of someone close to them, the temptation is to offer to help. This is almost always a mistake. People must find their own way to Astrology and arrive with some understanding of spiritual context. Without that, our words, no matter how pertinent and informed, are more likely to cause fear and confusion than help the situation.

It can destroy friendships. I made this mistake over and over again.

At first, I thought that if I gave my services freely to those to whom I had made the offer and removed any suggestion of financial gain then this would solve the problem. It does not; the issue is that the knowledge we have is too challenging of the way we are accustomed to look at /deal with life to be useful. Let people approach you, the Astrologer. Then you stand to be really helpful.

Give talks, write articles but do not invade people’s lives with knowledge for which they are not ready.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

I remember very clearly my life before I knew anything about astrology. I remember that I had no reason to expect anything would ever change and move me out of my dark tunnel. How wrong I was!

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Amy Herring evolutionary astrology

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

Because astrology is, at its basic level, a recognition of the connection between ourselves and the cosmos, I’d probably have to say that it was at least as early as my birth! But from a practical and conscious standpoint of personal recognition, I think of my first connection to astrology when I think about my growing interest in adolescence with newspaper horoscopes. I used to beg my mom for those little sun sign scrolls you would see in grocery store check-out lines and read my horoscope in the library newspaper every day at school.

When I was barely 21, I saw an ad for a community education course on astrology. I had no idea there could be an entire class devoted to it and was immediately interested. I signed up and learned in the first class that there was more to it than just your (sun) sign and my mind was blown. There was no looking back for me–I was an astrologer from that moment.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Read and investigate on your own as much as you like, but if you find yourself really wanting to get serious–learning more in depth and reading charts for others, find a teacher. There is a level of dialogue and interaction that books and videos just cannot ultimately reach. I would also suggest investigating other traditions and styles of astrology to not only get perspective on your own approach and methods, but to maybe expand them as well and know what style really calls to you to deepen your study.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

While I never believed in strict prediction of outcomes and behaviors, I was very interested in the sense of destiny and fate and approached astrology that way. As I grew in the craft, I released more and more of my assumptions (happily and sadly) about destiny and fate and began to think of it more as a fluid truth – utterly changeable and a reflection of who we are in the moment we are living.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

Yes! My first professional reading was in an astrologer’s apartment. She was a Jungian astrologer (an approach I resonate deeply with). It was so fantastic to not only hear her interpretation for my understanding of myself but also to see her approach as an astrologer myself. I strongly recommend having your chart read professionally, more than once, even if you are a professional yourself. It is a perspective that you can’t get from yourself even if you are very educated in the craft.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Living it and paying attention. It’s one thing to categorize what the plans, signs, and houses supposedly mean, but seeing it play out in real life instead of seeing what you want to see or projecting that rote meaning onto events and feelings in your life and the lives of others is quite different than just observing what is happening and the astrological aspects happening at the time.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

Constantly confronting the stereotypes and assumptions of our craft. Unfortunately, those stereotypes have come about for a reason, but most of us are not delusional and out to steal money from gullible strangers by our proclamations of fate. Most of us strive to understand ourselves, others, and the world around us, and to share that understanding and our amazement with those who are seeking the same things.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

No, and weirdly, I find that a little bittersweet. Astrology has been a part of my entire adult life, and “unseeing” life through its filter is practically impossible. While it’s a beautiful perspective that I have found incredible meaning and joy in, it’s also limited – as any perspective is. But I wouldn’t trade it!

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Joseph Polansky full practicing astrologer since 1974

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology and do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

I was young, in my 20’s. I was in a bad way psychologically and spiritually. My brother was dying of cancer and there was nothing anyone could do. (he eventually succumbed). I was in a business that I disliked and in a relationship that I disliked. I started going to Yoga. This made me feel better. Regardless of the inner turmoil, I would emerge after a class feeling good. I was going 3 times a week and I attribute this to getting me through this period. I didn’t know anything about astrology. My family and environment considered it baloney. Some of the yoga people invited me to a party where a famous astrologer would be in attendance. He would be doing charts.

I could sign up and have my chart done.

At that time the fee was nominal – $50.00. I was desperate – I needed answers. So, I signed up in spite of my trepidations. In those days (the 1970’s) this is how things were done. People would set up a party. The attendees would sign up for a reading, pay their fee, and give the birth data beforehand. The astrologer would be in another room. Outside, there was a party going on – music, food, dancing etc. One by one, people were called into the other room to get their reading. My turn came. The astrologer never met me. Never knew me. He started to talk about me and I was agape. He knew me better – and on a deeper level – than my mother!

I was shocked.

He told me I was born to “serve or suffer” (which turned out be right). Then he ended with these words – you’re writing two books – no, there’s supposed to be three – but I’m not sure…. Now, you have to understand, that this statement was like me telling you that you’re going to Mars….It was so far away from my thinking…I couldn’t even imagine such a thing…yet, within 4 years that is exactly what happened. And, exactly as he told it. I was under contract for a 3rd book, but it didn’t happen because of a dispute with the publisher.

While he was talking I had this epiphany – I must learn this science – it is so marvelous. I asked him if he would teach me. He said no, he wasn’t giving classes, but he wrote a name and a phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. He said, this man teaches my wife, he can teach you. I held the paper for a few months and did nothing. Then when my brother died, I knew it was time and I made the call. The rest is history.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Start with the basics – the signs, planets, houses, elements, triplicities, transits, and aspects – and master them. Everything else – all the advanced charts and techniques – are built on this. You need a solid foundation if you want to go further. Keep a log of what happens under certain transits. The results will astound you. Astrological knowledge – real knowledge – doesn’t come over night, but is a process. Perhaps the most important thing is to make an inner commitment to it – that you will follow it through thick and thin, through good times and bad. This commitment attunes you in a subtle way to higher energies and wisdom. (Don’t worry the cosmos will test your commitment – it has its ways).

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

When I began, I was like most students. The planets were seen as “dead bodies” and somehow they exerted an influence on the affairs of people and earth. It was really just about mathematics. It was the prevailing scientific view of the universe. Were the planets “causative” or was it just “synchronicity”? We didn’t understand how or why these things worked – but they did.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

It was my study of Kabbala that opened me up to a whole new dimension to Astrology. The planets were not just dead bodies, with gravitational pulls – some “good” some “bad”. The planets were the physical bodies of Gods – Divine Principles. They not only exerted physical effects but spiritual ones. These days this understanding is common regarding earth. Earth is not just a rock in space, but the body of a Goddess – Gaia. But this is so for all the planets. And since God is good, the gods (the planetary attributes of the Divine) were also good.

Everything happening in the horoscope is for ultimate good – even the challenges, the difficulties, the testing is good. Sometimes for our education. Sometimes to get us off a bad track that we are on. So, everything happening to person (from the astrological perspective) is basically good. I won’t say pleasant, but good. In the cases of Saturn or Mars transits, it’s a kind of cosmic “tough love”. But love and goodness is at the core of the science.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

I would say it is in dealing with the people. You have to be able to get on with all sorts of people, not to judge them, but only to help them. You may not agree with them or even like them, but you’re there to help – this is your cosmic responsibility. It is not always easy. It was harder for me at the beginning as I had to deal with doubters and scoffers. Of late though things have changed. I attract sincere people and it has become a pleasure.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology? NO

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Kevin B. Burk  astrological counseling, headmaster of The Real Astrology Academy & author of bestselling astrology books

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

I honestly can’t remember. I’m sure I bought an astrology book, like most people did. I remember a student in college that I didn’t know very well was interested in astrology, but we never really connected about it. My real involvement with astrology started in 1992 when I purchased the Time Cycles astrology programs and started a business selling astrology reports. I had no idea what any of it meant at the time, however. I didn’t start my formal training as an astrologer until 1995.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Understand that astrology is never the answer. Astrology is a language. It’s the medium you can use to answer questions, but those answers have nothing at all to do with astrology (or astrology symbols). You have to translate from the language of astrology into English (or language you speak). The meaning of the symbols depends on the context of the question. What this all means is that “learning astrology” is a waste of time if you don’t have a clear idea of exactly how you plan to use astrology and what kinds of questions you want to be able to answer with it.

I always wanted to use astrology as a counselor and to work with clients.

Even after I started my counseling practice, I still had no idea what any of that meant. I had no clear idea of how I wanted to use astrology to help my clients. Over time, I developed my own approach, but I realized that just “wanting to work with clients as an astrologer” isn’t nearly specific enough as a goal.

You also need to recognize that a knowledge of astrology is not enough to work with clients. More than 90% of the astrology in an astrology consultation happens before you sit down with the client. The actual consultation requires counseling and/or coaching skills which have nothing to do with astrology. I had to learn all of this the hard way.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you first got interested in it?

I’ve spent more than 20 years applying critical thinking to astrology. I’ve questioned everything about astrology, how it’s used, how it’s taught, what it means, and what it can do. The way that I currently work with astrology — using it as the foundation of the Human Game™ coaching model — is different in every possible way from how I learned it or used it in the past.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

It was a casual reading from someone, and it turned out he had my chart wrong because I thought it was Standard Time when I was born, and it was actually still Daylight Savings Time.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

I’ve learned to question everything, test everything, and to be willing to realize that my assumptions are wrong. This has not been easy. My focus has always been on PRACTICAL astrology — astrology you can actually use. I’ve spent many years questioning how astrology is usually taught and why that so rarely works (you can’t learn a language by sitting in a classroom and having the teacher lecture you on it).

I spent many years creating a way to teach astrology as a language, identifying the rules of grammar and syntax and the correct relationship between the planets, signs, and houses. (The order of the words matters!). Then I realized that knowing HOW to speak a language doesn’t give you anything meaningful to SAY in that language.

In other words, astrology itself is never the answer.

You need to have a specific question — a reason to be looking at a chart — and a specific model to help you to extract the answer (the message) from the astrology (the medium).

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

For me, it’s that the popular view of astrology has no connection at all to how I work with astrology. I know when I tell someone that I’m an astrologer, I’m going to get hit with questions that I can’t begin to answer because the questions themselves don’t have anything to do with how astrology actually works or what I do with it.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing about astrology?

Not at all. I’ve spent more than twenty years of my life fighting with astrology because it has always promised such wonderful insights and until very recently, has never kept those promises. This journey hasn’t always been about astrology for me, but the moment I showed up for my first astrology class, the entire course of my life changed. It started me on a journey of spiritual awakening that has been the heart, soul, and light of my life ever since.

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Emily Klintworth MA creative writing & astrologer focused on self-actualization, author of astrology books

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

It is so hard when you try to go back to pinpoint the first moment in time the spirit guide and the Universe tries to make something manifest in your life. Many times I’ve ignored it. I was in 6th grade and went to visit my friend in California. She was an astrologer and handed me a report. I was like, well, I don’t know. I didn’t get it as it wasn’t explained to me in the way I could understand. Then I moved into an old house with my husband which we were going to remodel and in that old home the woman left all these books! In the back bedroom there was an old encyclopedia set and a book called ’Astrology for Adults’.

I really love books, I’m a writer and I have master’s degree in creative writing. I love the smell of old books. I kept it because it felt occult, mystical and weird, yet I didn’t open it. Then ironically, my sister married her husband. His family has been going to an astrologer for years and years. So, when I had my first Saturn Return at thirty, my sister bought me a reading. The astrologer who read for me, the first thing out of her mouth was: ’Hey, are you a published author?’.

I wasn’t, but I wanted to be, I love writing. And that was it.

What she could do was beyond astrology. She validated my Soul’s path in one sentence. I thought if I could do that and help people that much in one sentence I have to learn it. And much like you, I bought every book I could find and just immersed myself. Some books resonated, the others didn’t. I mostly resonanted with the ’Astrology from the Millions’. I loved the guy and his story of writing horoscopes and creating connections with his customers and charting Saturn. At that time I was a business manager and custumer service was really important to me. So, it is hard to say, how the dots connect. Twenty dots chased me and one day my dots connected!

Did you later have other natal chart readings or was it only that one that put you into direction of wanting to learn more and become an astrologer?

I only needed her. That is the thing, it’s astrology plus energy. It was what she gave me and what I did with it. And when I knew what I could do with it, I went back to her and I said: ’Will you teach me?’. She coincidentally had Jupiter transiting her XI house and she agreed. She looked at our chart, did our synastry, brough me in as a student and taught me one on one. In a lot of ways I just came under her tutorage. She had trained and learned astrology, having done that for thirty years and I knew I was in good hands. I learned really really fast only because my desire was really really strong. I think that if you don’t have a strong desire to learn astrology, you will never gonna learn it.

Astrology is personal for me.

It is my connection to God, to Divine and to the messages that are not astute by ego. That is why I do not go to anybody else for astrology. Mostly I teach astrology now because for me it has always been personal. I think I didn’t know it when I wrote the books, but that is why it probably feels that way, because it was always a personal journey for me.

It wasn’t like who am I going to predict for, it was more how am I going to connect to myself and God, how am I going to know that I am on the right path, how can I get over these existential crisis, how do I fight depression and deal with anxiety, how can astrology serve me and my Soul. Even though it sounds selfish on the surface it was the most unselfish way to use astrology, because in using it for my own world, it is just me with the Cosmos.

How did your understanding of astrology change when you started studying it compared to now after all these years?

This is a hysterical journey, because when you first start studying it, you think you will figure this out in six months. And then you are like OMG, another layer and another layer… I realized really quickly that people have made it way too complicated and that I would never go down the rabbit hole or do that to my clients and that astrology is a tool if you can learn to use it as a tool. But if you can’t, it will overtake you and lead you into more illusion and more circles and the place of thinking that you are going to find the answer in the chart.

And I always tell people, it points us into direction, it opens up our mind, to get us to think and see differently. It can’t do the work for you. There is this gap between what astrology show us and what it takes to get the person to align with it. I have also studied how I can walk somebody there, because if they are coming to me, my goal is to serve and help them meet that place within themselves where they can find faith, belief, trust and whatever they need. That is different for everyone. I always teach my students that they have to know why someone has come to them, no matter what. These are conscious contracts in the world.

Clients still have to walk it out.

That is why I do a lot of energy and consciousness work with people to know what could be blocked. We go backwards and forwards to think about it, to process it and integrate it. I think a lot of times, this is what I have learned over the years, I do not go into the details, I keep that aerial view. I do not know if this is everybody’s journey because astrology is an artform and there are all different types of people. I am like a bridge, from Soul to Spirit, bridge of connection and faith. I think that is what astrology was meant to be.

What else has helped you learn astrology?

I think that it is the same thing for everyone, but everyone does not want it to be the answer, but it is practice. People come to me to learn astrology because they want to learn fluency really fast. I tell them, you will become fluent by reading charts. I’ve read charts a week into studying astrology because I knew so little that I had no fear and thought well, let’s just look at this together. I was just having fun and because I loved astrology so much, I wanted to share it. Over the years I have read so many charts, I teach other astrologers and love all the parts of the business, but it is practice.

People do not want to look dumb or make mistakes and they want to be perfect.

But astrology forces you out of perfectionism and it humbles the ego. Also, I was willing to dive through other modalities, such as tarot, Akashic records. That with practice makes you more comfortable. I know that if I don’t know the answer through astrology, I could still go somewhere else. This helped me pick up speed, but also partnering and collaborating with people. And my favorite is the client who has never worked with astrology before.

Astrology is not hard to learn, but it is hard to master and people do not want to go through that process.

I think that people need to know that there is that balance between faith and free will and we need to know what our role is as astrologers. Ethics is the first thing that I teach my astrology students and to not plant ideas into somebody’s consciousness that would doom them. I have seen repercussions of bad astrology and it really breaks my heart. But that is not the astrology of the Aquarian age, that is of the Piscean.

What is your advice for the astrology students?

Everything you learn practice right away. If you learn about the elements, teach about the elements. Share about the zodiac signs and do not keep putting knowledge in your head without practice. That would be the biggest thing. If there is anxiety, it is because you are not practicing. Also, figure out what planet or sensitive spot you want to align with and ally with and make this your life. Moon and Saturn are what I connect with so much and I watch. If you try to watch everything, you can’t watch anything.

You have to not put too much data in your head and bring your heart in.

And find your specialty, what do you want to be great at and what you are really passionate about. You have to know what you like. Head in that direction and become the best in that. To be comfortable referring and saying that something is not your genre. The more you go into the direction of your desire the more you will be met with God, magnetism and attraction. Life will just flow because you are in flow. If you try to learn all of the astrology, I just do not think that it is possible.

Could you imagine never starting this journey into astrology?

I do not want to imagine what would have happened if I didn’t find astrology. I never thought I could achieve what I have achieved. I was a retail manager and got a reading at my thirtieth birthday so without astrology I think that I would never find myself. I would not have found rhythm and faith or felt connected. I would have had a life, but I would not have connected to nature, to ups and downs. I would be controlling my environment rather than letting my environment lead me.

And that makes me very sad because I hate when people try to force life and when they can’t let go. It is all ego and they do not believe in the forces bigger than themselves. To me, I am glad that there are forces bigger than us. I love what Saturn and Pluto do. I love the Sun and the Moon. I think I have these deep allies, like real guides. To me connecting to astrology is the closest we get to wherever we are going.

In your first book you say that the energy of the planets can always be expressed in the various ways. How can we go through transits in a more flowing way?

It gets so complicated so fast because there are so many layers within the being. I mostly try to figure out what is the most important transit that my client needs to align with. I do not think, oh they better watch out because Mars is in their VII house. That never crosses my mind even though I could know that. If somebody comes for their career, I would look at the transits that I believe could be influencing. There are different ways.

I do not have to change or sugarcoat what I say because I am giving them the exact knowledge to getting them where they want to go. I just really want to honor the person, be their interpreter and go into the chart as best as I can to help them the most. I do not think that there are bad transits or bad alignment, I think that there is bad energy inside of us that is not aligned and that can’t take activation.

Can you tell us something about your third book?

It is about the energetics behind stepping into the role of the astrologer and why we get caught up and what blocks us, what do we need to move through and how do we actually embody astrologers. We all start from the same place, we all have the same knowledge and astrology is absolutely an art. So there is no comparison between astrologers. I do not think they exist on the compatitive plane. I think they exist on the creative plane. That’s why it is so important that we do bridge connection between astrologers. I can never be in competition with you because we have a shared mission.

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Matjaž Regovec Jungean psychoanalyst, doctorate in psychology of personality, IPAL method, astrological diploma from FAS & CPA

To find out more visit

When did you first encounter astrology?

My first encounter with astrology was in the years of my university study during the 80s. The way I saw the natal chart in terms of explaining my own life and character made me wonder in awe and amazement, and I initially rejected it and refused to believe in it. But it was only a year or two later, during my travelling through east Africa that I experienced an illness. This experience changed my perspective on life. The cosmological perspective on life became imminent.

How did your understanding of astrology change during time, through the practice in psychoanalysis and the use of psychological astrology?

And in what way can the understanding of the natal chart through the language of astrological symbols and awareness of them help the person live their authentic nature? I prefer to say ‘cosmology’ instead of ‘astrology’, since the word astrology does not contain the element of the creation of the cosmos. The natal chart – or cosmogram – is the symbolic pathway of the creation of our own individual, as well the collective, cosmoses or cosmos respectively. When we take part in working on ourselves, i.e. on the path of self-discovery, we create the world in a different way from what we used to see before. We can start to understanding the meaning and purpose of our lives.

This is something I call ‘the intuitive cogito’.

On the other hand, with the help of the cosmogram, we can start to discover and unravel our own historicity, that is, how we came to be the way we are now. This is what I call ‘the psychic cogito’. In order to do this, it is necessary not to rely exclusively on our thinking (‘the thinking cogito’), but rather on both our intuitive cogito and psychic cogito. To employ the intuitive cogito means to continuously and perpetually unravel the invisible archetypal threads that are present in our lives and in our individuation on one hand, but are written in the planetary and zodiacal pattern in our cosmograms as well.

The psychic cogito means to study and comprehend the deeper, psychological patterns of our historicity that is again both contained within our psychic image that we encounter in our dreams and active imagination on one hand, but are again also written within the dynamics of our cosmograms on the other.

Can you tell us something more about the IPAL method and what it is?

We have to employ all three dimensions simultaneously in order to achieve the synthetic alchemical effect of the cosmological method that we termed ‘The IPAL Method’: the psychic images from dreams and/or active imagination (the psychic cogito dimension), the archetypal analysis of the planetary and zodiacal patterns as portrayed in the cosmogram (the intuitive cogito), and the actual material,, i.e. practical circumstances, situations and problems of one’s own life. In the end, there of course the physical cogito (i.e. the deeds or concrete activities through which one lives one’s own individual life), as well as the thinking cogito.

It is the secondary, individual thinking cogito, that in the end understands and thinks one’s own individual life and its cosmos in a new, transformed, enlarged and newly created way. It is also called ‘the self-knowledge’ or ‘the knowledge about oneself’. The IPAL Method has gradually been developed during the course of almost thirty years of the joint activity of its tutors and students.

What advice would you give to astrology students and what can help them understand astrology in a more profound way?

The experience of working for almost thirty years with the students of the symbolic cosmology (or astrology) showed me that there are serious limitations when learning the cosmological archetypes primarily via your thinking function. We need other means in order to comprehend, as well as create our own cosmoses, hence the IPAL Method.

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Babs Kirby astrologer & integrative psychotherapist

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology and do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

A friend who was studying astrology set up my chart. She actually got the ASC wrong, but it whetted my appetite to know more. I was mildly curious at this point. This was in 1972, around the time of my progressed Moons return. Later, a professional astrologer produced a written report for me, which I still have and that was extremely illuminating. He’s quite well known and I’m still occasionally in touch with him. This was before I’d started to study myself, when I was still at the stage of reading Moore and Adams.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrology students?

Look at the charts of all your friends and family, to understand how they live their chart.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

The more I studied astrology, the more I realized how much there was to know. What a vast, rich and complex subject it was. Like so many, I first read Linda Goodman and then went on to read Marcia Moore and Mark Adams book. At that point, I thought I knew quite a lot and it was only when I started to attend classes to study it systematically that I realized how little I knew.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Well, I did a beginner and intermediate course with Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, back in the day before their psychological astrology diploma had been launched, and then, in 1982, I began to study with the Faculty of Astrological Studies. All these classes were live and in London. I do best in a classroom environment, I’m not so good at distance learning.

I was lucky to have excellent tutors on my Faculty course, the late Charles Harvey, who was so inspiring and supportive and Gaila Yariv, who was also a psychotherapist, and brought a strong psychological component to her understanding. I gained the Faculty diploma in 1984. Transiting Jupiter was on my MC. I too was practicing as a psychotherapist and, with their permission, had the charts of my clients, so while I didn’t use this in my therapeutic practice it informed me of how certain astrological configurations were experienced.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

Probably the projections on to astrologers and the inflated expectations some clients can have.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

No, it’s a reassuring thread that helps me understand my life and the lives of others. For me, astrology is a spiritual belief system.

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Astrologers I met on Quora

In 2019 I started writing on Quora. This meant I could come in contact with astrologers from all over the world. Looking back, I have learned so much through answering astrological questions on various topics. I have also learned a lot by reading answers from other astrologers. You can find out more about them in the interviews listed below and by clicking on their name.

On the other hand, writing on Quora also made me realize that majority of people still have a lot of prejudice and negativity connected to astrology and astrologers…

Astrologers I will mention here have reminded me of my own principles as an astrologer. 

Robert Kimball approached me on Quora commenting on my very first post. He is now my dear friend and colleague. He influenced me to have very clear idea about what area of astrology was going to be my expertise. Robert helped me become more proficient nevertheless still sticking to my intuitive nature. I can say that he shaped and polished who I am today as astrologer.

I am eternally grateful that he put his faith in me. I hope I will one day make him proud. Robert and I have spent a lot of time talking to each other about various astrological concepts and that helped me learn a lot, in ways that go beyond astrology. He was a major influence in the way I represent myself as an astrologer and how I aspire to use astrology with my clients.

Lucien Windrich left a strong impact on me with his proficiency in astrology and very scientific yet deeply sophisticated approach to chart interpretation. I was astounded by his knowledge and expertise. He managed to uncover new layers of meaning in my chart that I always knew where there, but could not grasp or see by myself. His research on dwarf planets continues to inspire me to be more focused on ascending and broadening my knowledge. He is someone from whom I believe I can learn a lot. My goal is to make my interpretations and work with clients more concise and useful, inspired by Lucien’s approach and astrological mastery.

There were many astrologers who caught my attention!

In their work I have recognized great knowledge and approach similar to mine. I was able to learn something valuable from them, too. Karen M. Shelton invited me in her Astrology Magick Space which helped me reach more audience. I am grateful for that opportunity. Charles Jameson’s honest approach to analysis is what I look up to and I believe we share similar values as astrologers.

I also deeply admire Jane Murphy’s astrological experience and the way she approaches esoteric subjects with serene integrity. Gabriel Arthur is a proficient astrologer that moves beyond what is possible with a unique way of using astrology. Annette Fransbergen Gordon left an impression on me that she is truly living astrology in everyday life and embodying the knowledge she has.

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Robert Kimball  humanistic astrologer

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

It was around 1971 that I visited an astrologer. He started talking about my chart and I notified that he knew things about me that my own sister didn’t know. So, I was impressed because I saw myself as being mostly secretive and introverted. Thus, I was amazed at his insights and it sparked my interest.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

I would encourage students to avoid deterministic and fatalistic versions of astrology and to choose a particular area of discipline, because there are many different types of astrology and you should find what area is the most useful for self-development. Learn to highly polish your English to better express the archetypal reality of astrology by finding metaphors, stories and symbolism that is down to earth and meaningful for your client, such as parables in the Bible, so that they can easily relate.

Also, people who are famous often live out their archetypal themes with intensity. Thus, it is much easier to see this play out in their life, as reflected in the natal chart. For sure, there are people whose lives are not that intense and it is not so easy to detect their archetypal themes. So, charts of famous people should be your first choice. Whereas, relatives and close friends might not be so useful if there is not much passion or intensity.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

It was dramatic because when I first started studying astrology, it was too black and white, too predictive. Thus, “if you have such and such in your chart then this will happen”I didn’t discover humanistic astrology until about 1975. I came to realize that astrology is mostly not about concrete events. Instead, the way you relate to situations and how events impact your personal life, especially your inner life makes more sense. That was a real eye-opener!

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

To be honest, the only time I had an actual session with an astrologer was when I was in Pune, India. It was not recorded and it was kind of boring. However, many years later I was lucky to have a session with the humanistic astrologer Noel Tyl in Massachusetts in the 1980s.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

What you read in astrology books about certain planetary positions and houses many times does not match up with what is going on within a person’s life. It is like a cook book telling you the many ways you can use chocolate, but when you start working with chocolate it is experiential and different to what you read in a book. Astrology becomes real when you realize that you can’t take what is in a book and directly apply it to human beings.

Quality Astrology books will give you a hint or a suggestion of how a configuration might play out, but it is not the same as real life. I look at the transits of the Moon through my natal houses and it is very educational. Especially, with the progressed New Moon phase I was amazed to see how it was very relevant as a MAJOR turning point in my life.  So, if you want to learn astrology it may be important to pay attention to transits in your own life. And yes, there have been some transits that happened that I do not recall anything dramatic happening, but that tends to be the exception.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

There is an awful lot to study and you must NEVER stop learning. To be a competent astrologer, you have to learn to be a good listener. If you are spending more time looking at their chart and not looking at the clients and looking into their eyes, then there is something wrong with your astrological counseling. The actual client is always more important than the natal chart. But when I work with clients, I often close my eyes, not looking at anything. That’s just the way I am! It is easier for me to focus on the deeper drama of a person when I close my eyes. I tend to be very clairsentient.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

Yes, I can, but I do not think that it would be an authentic expression of my true calling in life. When I was the Director of Education of an animal protection group in Boston the work was very cerebral, even though it dealt with compassion for animals. And yet, I didn’t use my intuitive qualities that much. With my natal Jupiter in Virgo conjunct my MC, whatever I do professionally I’m very conscientious.  Bring a counselling Humanistic astrologer is the most fitting in light of my horoscope (and my background).

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Annette Fransbergen Gordon professional astrologer with 40 years of experience

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

My Dutch Nana was esoteric to some degree so I was familiar with the word astrology from a young age. The National Enquirer astrology column and Jean Dixon also come to mind. I formally studied astrology through a correspondence course with Chiron school of astrology in Melbourne during very late ’80’s beginning of 90’s. Astrology substanciated energies for me.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

I’d advise students to start with the basic elements when first learning. Dignities are most important. Check out Demetra George’s ‘Ancient Astrology in theory and practice’.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

My understanding of astrology gained more depth with more knowledge of the various branches of astrology apart from natal charts, such as mundane, financial, horary or even karmic lines, asteroids and fixed stars.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

I became more familiar with astrology when I studied tarot/kabbalah principles through a bloke in Vancouver, on my lunch breaks from home visits in the West End. This teacher also caste my chart.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Ebertin Reinhold and the study of midpoints helped me most in understanding the various energies of astrology and experience.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

The most difficult part of astrology, for myself, was hand calculating charts before computers could do the job.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

No, after 40 odd years of astrology study and practice I can’t imagine my life without astrology or knowing where Moon and planets are.

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Lucien Windrich Bsc. Anthropology & professional astrologer

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

Reading Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs when I was about 14 years old. It was my sister’s book and I remember thinking this is cool. It was a lot more meaningful than having the fear of God drummed into me at the Catholic School I was at. Astrology just seemed to make sense. It came very naturally to me. Like most young people, I would always remember people’s sun signs and try and guess them whenever I didn’t’ know. Astrology became part of my life. And it helped me to know myself at the time, and understand where others were coming from.
I started studying seriously with the Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1991 when I was in my early thirties.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

When you’re learning astrology, it’s easy to blurt out the first thing on your mind without checking the implications and consequences of your choice of words. For example, someone once said to me “Oh, you have Moon conjunct Pluto … dead mother” she said. No, my mother is not dead, I said, annoyed by her thoughtless comment. I’m aware that astrological principles can sometimes be expressed in clumsy ways. But you should always strive to express astrology in a way that makes sense and is easy to understand. We have an ethical responsibility towards our clients.

Better to say nothing than say the wrong thing, or something you will regret.

Actually, something similar happened to me in the early days when Pluto was transiting my friend’s Ascendant. I used the word ‘death’ in a symbolic sense but my friend didn’t hear that. He heard the worst. So, use keywords carefully and cautiously, I would say. Having said that, I’ve noticed that many students of astrology have an insight that is free of intellectual jargon and psychological baggage, and that’s a wonderful gift. Use it well.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

That’s a really good question and there are many ways of answering this. What excites me about doing research on the dwarf planets is that they add another layer to my understanding of astrology. Critics of astrology think that new discoveries invalidate astrology. Far from it. The two new dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt, Makemake and Haumea, appear to be associated with the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen which significantly adds to our understanding of Pluto’s realm and the process of transformation.

On a different note, what always surprises me is the resilience of the twelve signs of the zodiac over two millennia.

Many scientific theories have been updated and discarded in much less time, but not the twelve zodiacal signs. Why not? Because of the deep connection between astrology and music theory, i.e.12/13 notes embedded within octaves. They speak a similar language which our senses are attuned to. Number symbolism, frequencies and resonance are part of the musical and astrological template.

Also, the Moon, receptacle of our feelings and emotions, is not only attuned to women’s monthly cycles but produces 12/13 lunations a year depending on whether you’re measuring a sidereal or synodic month. The connection between astrology, music and the study of cycles has deepened my understanding of astrology significantly that in no way supersedes the twelve-fold zodiacal model I started out with.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

Yes, when I was going through a divorce in 1992, I went to see the astrologer Melanie Reinhart. To be honest, I was an emotional wreck at the time, and I don’t remember much of what she said. But I have it all on a cassette tape somewhere. She was very understanding. She let me discharge a lot of painful stuff and gave me good advice on where to go, what to read etc.

I remember her asking me to wait a few seconds when I arrived so that she could recalibrate the timing of the consultation chart. The chart for the moment you interview or meet someone for the first time can be very revealing. All of the main issues will be shown in the chart.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Theodor Landscheidt once said in a workshop… don’t just study astrology, study something else as well. His point was that astrology is a wonderful symbolic system, and the more factual and experiential knowledge you can bring to the system, the more you will get out of your astrology. So, I did a degree in anthropology and it helped progress my research on the dwarf planets tremendously.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

The most difficult thing is staying true to the planetary principles and finding the right words to express them. When you stick with the planetary principles, sign and house meanings you can’t go wrong. It prevents you from projecting your own stuff onto the readings and interpretations.

The other thing is the perceived superiority of the astrologer by some clients. It’s important to find a level with your client that feels comfortable and informative for both of you, that’s not overbearing. Being reflexive is important, knowing your own faults and prejudices, and letting your client know this about you.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

Once you observe how lunations affect the growth and decay of plants and vegetation, how the sun energizes life on earth, and how humans, societies and civilizations follow similar patterns of growth, decay and life affirming energies, you can’t ignore it. You don’t have to use astrology to explain it, but the fact that the astrological model explains a lot of it beautifully and simply, is a wonderful thing. So no, I could not imagine living without astrology in my life.

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Charles Jameson traditional & modern astrology & metaphysics, Quora top writer

To find out more visit

What was your first experience connected to astrology and first time when an astrologer analyzed your natal chart?

My first experience was having an astrology reading many years ago. I was very impressed by what the astrologer could say about me, given they’d never met me before. The astrologer had a good understanding of how I tended to operate in the world. So that experience made me want to explore this topic in more detail. And as I did, I kept finding more to learn, more to apply!

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

I would advise that they need to realize that it takes effort to understand astrology! And while there is a lot to learn and apply, the essential foundations of astrology – planets, signs, houses and aspects – can be understood reasonably quickly. And while there are many different facets of astrology, not all them will appeal to every astrology student. And that’s ok.

For instance, some astrologers like using mid-points, others incorporate asteroids in their astrological learning.

Others … not so much. And that’s ok. What generally matters most are the general underlying principles of astrology – that life is no accident, that we are all unique individuals. Much like every snowflake has a unique crystal shape. And astrology regularly reminds us that we are all unique. And helps us to understand ourselves (and others) better.

And they also need to realize we are not just our Sun signs. And that it is best to look at the whole horoscope, rather than just analyze small fragments by themselves. See a horoscope holistically. And also realize a person’s horoscope indicates our qualitative predispositions – how we tend to operate in this world. And that we have free will.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

When I first started learning it, I was taught what is generally called ‘modern’ astrology. Which is astrology as generally practiced in the 20th century. But over the years I have studied and embraced what’s called ‘traditional’ astrology. Which have many more features, which have mostly been ‘omitted’ by modern astrology. Traditional astrology is generally about how it generally operated in the 17th century and earlier – far more complex and nuanced than modern astrology, in my humble opinion.

And some people find that complexity rather excessive and meaningless. Others, such as myself, find parts of it incredibly useful. Such as essential/accidental dignity/debility. And looking at a planet not just by rulership, exaltation, detriment and fall – but also by triplicity, term, face, peregrine, etc.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Attending conferences and listening to different speakers over many years. Doing courses in areas of astrology that interested me (e.g. horary) and reading lots of books! And, of course, these days, using astrology software – which makes horoscope generation very straightforward compared to about 20 years ago. Plus, online websites such as astrodatabank, which has a huge library of notable people’s horoscope charts.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

Well, I’m not a full-time astrologer. But I find the abuse on Quora from hostile skeptics to be difficult at times. Trying to answer their questions clearly and objectively – generally never goes well. It’s like throwing petrol onto a fire! This includes times when I simply correct the facts. E.g. they assume that Western astrology is constellation-based, when factually it isn’t. It’s season-based (Tropical Zodiac).

Another difficult thing is that quite a few people also mock and insult anyone who has an interest in this fascinating topic. But ultimately, I don’t really care what they have to say, as I have thoroughly explored this topic over many years. And they are often not open to learning more about it. But would rather prefer to simply ignore it, or attack.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

Well, yes, possibly. Maybe. If I’d never had an astrology reading, I might never have pursued my interest in this amazing topic. But it is important to know that astrology does not ‘run my life,’ it is merely a fascinating tool to understand oneself, and how life operates. And it is such as vast body of knowledge that there is always more to learn!

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Jane Murphy Independent Western Esotericist & initiated priestess of British Traditional Wicca

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

As a child I loved to read comic books. Among the latest issues of my favorites on the racks in the supermarket, I would often see Dell Horoscope Magazine. Somehow I was attracted to it, and eventually my curiosity prompted me to purchase a few issues. I was strangely fascinated with the peculiar astrological terminology, and with all of the diagrams and mysterious glyphs I saw on the cover and pages.

Although bewildered by many of the articles, I was able to understand and remember some of what I read. At the time I was unsure of what to make of astrology, but the fascination stayed with me. A decade or so later I made the necessary time and began to study serious astrology in earnest, a pursuit that still fascinates me after 50+ years.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Practiceall you can with real peoplewho can give you direct feedback to help confirm your interpretation. Without enough of that, you may tend to rely too much on your class notes or published “cookbooks”, which produces ‘textbooky’ and tentative interpretations. Practice with feedback helps to bridge the gaps between theoretical meaning and intuitive understanding. It boosts both intuition and confidence, leading to smoother and better-synthesized interpretations.

Because you are the real person you know best, you are your own richest source of helpful feedback. Study your own natal chart deeply. Watch and contemplate the ‘effects’ of transits and progressions (in both real time and your past). Apply whatever techniques you learn to your own life. That way, when you see something similar in someone else’s astrology, you’ll be able to draw on your own personal experience.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

I did not start out with any misconceptions or particular expectations, only an open mind and a strong desire to learn what astrology was and what could be done with it. My understanding grew through a smooth, logical sequence of lessons from natal astrology to forecasting to relationship dynamics and beyond. Except for a few supplementary workshops, I am completely self taught through books and practice.

It came to me very easily, seemingly with spiritual guidance. The whole subject always felt natural and familiar to me, almost like a review of something I had known before. Since astrology is unrelated to anything or anyone in the background of my current life, I suppose I must have learned something of it in a former one.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

I have never asked another astrologer to analyze my chart. During the early years of my interest in astrology (the early, pre-computer 1970s) there were no astrologers near my location, and it took me quite some time just to find good textbooks on the subject. Having obtained those along with the necessary reference books (planetary ephemeris, table of houses and records of local time changes), I calculated my chart by hand and then studied it in the light of the textbook and “cookbook” interpretations published by the likes of Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson and Frances Sakoian.

Soon after that I found myself gazing at my chart and seeing myself and my life as if in a mirror. Burdens of confusion were lifted and replaced by challenges I could understand and work with. I wouldn’t mind an analysis by someone else, but I’ve never felt a need for one.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

The study of other related subjects has definitely helped me to understand astrology better. To name a few, the psychology of C.G. Jung sheds light on the Four Elements, and the Hero’s Journey/Monomyth defined by Joseph Campbell parallels the Zodiac in a revealing way. From an astrologer’s perspective, one can see in the Tree of Life (Hermetic Qabalah) an alternate view of the Zodiac and all of the planets, which adds an extra dimension of meaning to that shown in the conventional astrological wheel.

Conversely, astrology has helped me to understand the related subjects better. It is only a matter of seeing through superficial differences to perceive essential energies and patterns common to all. The more we learn about such various concepts of fundamental life structure, the better we can understand all of it, because everything illuminates everything else.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

For me, the most difficult thing is encounters with common misconceptions about what astrology is and what astrologers do. Among other false notions, many people assume that astrology is only about personality, or that astrologers claim to “predict the future” in contrast with free will, or that astrology is all “made up nonsense” to deceive the gullible. Some ignorant people actively ridicule all of astrology based on the fake Sun-sign “astrology” columns they’ve seen in the media.

None of that is true, but the unfortunate fact is that some people like their prejudices and would rather scoff than learn. To know how profound astrology actually is, and how it can give people deeper insights into themselves and their lives as well as help them to make wiser decisions, is to find that fact very sad.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

Absolutely not! I would no more want to be without the extra dimension of perception that astrology provides than I would want to go through life blind, deaf, or paralyzed. Having applied astrology daily for over 50 years, I literally cannot imagine knowing nothing about it.

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Karen M. Shelton professional astrologer, feng shui & reiki, admin in Astrology Magick Space

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

When I was 15 years old, I developed a deep crush on one of my school mates. He didn’t return my affections. I was devastated. One day while licking my wounds in the school library, I accidentally backed my wooden chair into a stack of books. One fell off the shelf landing right at my feet.  As if kissed by fate, the book was astrologer Grant Lewi’s book Heaven Knows What, published under the pseudonym Scorpio.

Lewi’s book provided detailed chart synthesis with 144 Sun/Moon sign delineations and aspect cross-references. Within 15 minutes, I had cast a very rough first draft of my natal chart. Then I cast a chart for my crush. His Natal Sun in Libra was squaring mine in Cancer. Just from a quick review I realized my crush and I were astrologically incompatible. From that point forward, I was forever and completely hooked on astrology.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Astrology can offer happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity, but only for the right person. Being an astrologer is not the best life path for everyone. The happiest astrologers are born into this lifetime with unique talents and traits. Astrology is an art and science. While it’s possible to learn all the finer points of chart drawing and astrological interpretation, it may become a challenging career to continue without the right talent, attitude, and passion.

Some of the essential qualities the best astrologers possess include:

– Commitment to hard work and life-long study.

– Self-discipline to constantly push yourself forward.

– Great communication skills, both talking and listening.

– Kindness, compassion, empathy, and non-judgment.

– Ability to assimilate criticism or clients who get upset.

– Wisdom, self-awareness, and sanity to know how to disconnect.

The most fulfilled astrologers are those who live to practice astrology, not those who practice astrology to live.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you have first got interested in it?

After stumbling upon an astrology book by Grant Lewi and having my chart cast, I decided to seriously study astrology. I’d read Linda Goodman’s Sun Sign book.  Yet, I had no proper understanding of what it meant to really be an astrologer, or what it involved other than Sun Signs. I had absolutely no idea how challenging it was to learn astrology. After studying with some renowned astrology masters, for more than ten years, I still felt like I was barely scraping the surface of such a vast body of knowledge.

It was a shock to realize just how much time, work, effort, and my own money I had to continuously invest into my studies. By the time I’d been studying astrology for five solid years, I felt comfortable enough to start offering consultations. I quickly learned how much I didn’t understand about every astrological chart’s millions of minute details.

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

One year after I first cast my natal chart, I stumbled upon a little magic shop on a hidden street in St. Louis, Missouri, where I grew up. The shop’s proprietor was a highly regarded and experienced Western astrologer. When I inquired about her astrology book selection, she informed me she was available to provide paid consultations. Although I didn’t have much money at the time, I hired her to cast and interpret a full natal, progressed, and transit charts.

She spent over three hours during our very first consultation period, which was mind-blowingly accurate and profound. I taped all of her interpretations, comments, and answers to my endless questions during our session. Although the tape eventually disintegrated, I still have the original notes from that first astrological reading more than 50 years. Sometimes I still refer to them when I am re-examining my own natal chart for ongoing clues.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

Once I decided to dedicate my life to the study of astrology, I located the best astrology teachers I could find and afford. Besides continuing to take ongoing astrology courses, which I still take, I found an astrology study partner. You need to constantly practice doing charts while having someone available, a teacher or study buddy, you can consult with about your work. I’ve had the same astrology study partner since 1983.  We talk daily (even after all these years) and compare notes on charts for clients.

It’s challenging to learn astrology in a vacuum. We also talk about the astrology of world events, eclipses, and other critical astrological happenings. Ultimately, the thing that helped me understand astrology better was doing many thousands of charts over the years. I find that I learn something new, even if it’s minimal, from every new chart I cast, even now after 50+ years.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

I find it challenging presenting astrological information to clients who don’t want to hear their truth. I hate to disappoint anyone, but I have strong integrity. It isn’t easy when a client perceives one thing about their chart when it doesn’t match reality. Clients may be unhappy when I do horary, or electional charts with set planetary indications I can’t change for their convenience. I always attempt to ease difficult planetary news with alternatives.  I’ll never purposely mislead a client, even though I might soften the information.

It’s tricky when clients don’t understand how much time and work astrology requires. Some people misunderstand the incredible value they receive in an investment they make in astrological readings. Even after 50+ years, I’m still shocked when people discount my life’s investment (time, education, money) in astrology and request free readings or work. I’d never think of asking my dentist for complimentary services.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing anything about astrology?

Life is a journey, not a destination. My natal chart contains very challenging aspects and planetary configurations that have unfolded throughout my lifetime, as predicted by many different astrologers over the years. Even though I’ve spent my entire life learning many other planning tools such as psychology, sociology, religion, spirituality and history, I’ve learned the most from astrology, Flying Star Feng Shui, meditation, and prayer.

From the time I was in my teens and experiencing sorrow at the rejection by a high school crush to the sudden, shocking passing of my father, beloved husband, and younger brother, astrology has been my go-to fountain of wisdom. It would be impossible to imagine my current life journey without possessing all the fantastic tools astrology has bestowed upon me. I have constantly used astrology in conjunction with the many other gifts the Universe has also kindly provided.

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Gabriel Arthur change agent: professional astrologer, intuitive & guide

To find out more visit:

What was your first experience connected to astrology?

When I was about sixteen, my older sister gave be a book ‘Sun Sings’ by Linda Goodman. If you understand astrology well enough, you can actually do a lot with Sun sign, but you have to be aware of limitations as they are significant. I’ve read that book in one sitting, but I have a very scientific mind so I was fascinated with how could someone have developed this thing. It could not be real. I started thinking about the people I know, getting their birthdays and comparing. I started seeing that people looked like signs and for about a year I’ve carried a notebook and made drawings on the facial structure, particularly the jawline. I looked at their hands and the eyes.

After that year I was guessing peoples’ signs a lot. Sun sign in theory is not what you see. I see all different signs in people. Sometime I look at someone and I can tell that they probably have Venus in the first house. I don’t know how I do it, because it is highly intuitive and I can’t quite explain it. But I see Sun signs better then what I should be seeing, as rising signs or Mars. That has turned me around. Then I’ve checked out a book by a French astrologer F. Gauquelin, about the statistical studies and after that I was on the way big time!

Do you remember the first time an astrologer analyzed your chart?

It was a couple of years in my studies, mostly through classic authors from the 70s, but before I’ve read Dane Rudhyar. Once I’ve read him, it turned me inside out, altered my life and everything shifted. And that happened to me the second time around when I’ve read Jeff Green and that is when I began channeling astrology. The first reading was by a neighbor, I was at the college at that time and she was interested in using astrology to bring people together, very lovestruck Pisces, all love & piece from the 70s. She did my chart wrong and I was upset because I didn’t want to be Aries rising.

My knowledge was still very basic and when I did readings back then. I’ve just looked up everything in the books, read them the selections and people were amazed. So, I thought, wow, this is easy, being an astrologer, you can just read from the books! I was at a point that the readings didn’t interest me because I’ve penetrated my chart really deep. I was dealing with a lot of health problems in the 80s and I’ve read a book by Marcia Starck on medical astrology and she gave me a first high-quality reading. She also did the wrong calculation confusing am and pm in my birth data. She worked primarily with midpoints and her system was pretty amazing and from that she could provide a treatment using alternative methods.

How did your understanding of astrology change compared to when you first got interested in it?

My understanding has gone through the number of cycles. I was already studying Carl Jung’s psychology quite a bit and it put a lot of pieces together for me. My next really big jump wasn’t until the ‘00s. I was developing my style of reading and working to organize it. The system I have now is from the late ‘90s. I’ve been doing a similar approach, but not the same, for over twenty years now.

I look at purpose and those aspects of life that are supporting it. In each of these sections I am integrating the ways we are prone to go off task and how to see it as two sides of a coin. My approach is highly influenced by the evolutionary astrology. I do not like to talk about aspects being weakly or strongly active, I think of it as less or more often active. I work with Eris as a ruler of Libra, which I will publish when I get the time and space.

What else helped you the most in getting to understand astrology better?

I started to see it operating in life. I have a degree in philosophy and while studying I had a professor who was a metaphysician, also. And he developed something called trans-tantric philosophy which was based a lot in drawings and called it a metamodel through which you could understand any other model in life. So, I took his class and it was basically a reworking of astrology model, even though he didn’t know much about it.

And I did a paper about 50 pages, a small book and showed all these philosophers and their work through the astrology model. But mostly people helped me understand astrology better. I have done massive numbers of charts. I read about people in the news and ponder what they are like. I learn a lot by tuning into people and trying to figure out how that looks in their chart.

What is the most difficult thing of being an astrologer?

I imagine this is very specific to me as opposed to any other astrologer, given my certainty, my knowledge and penetration into astrology as a model of human consciousness. So, it is difficult to see people who follow other less authentic forms of astrology, or less whole forms.

What advice would you give to aspiring astrologers and astrology students?

Get guidance from a qualified professional astrologer, but not until you already have researched various schools and systems to know that astrology really is and how it works. Hopefully you will take time clarifying what you accept as the most legitimate and useful form of astrology before going too deeply into the studies. To do this, it may mean clarifying some things about yourself, your values, believes and intentions about astrology. Have a couple of natal charts done by different astrologers you believe are in the vicinity of what you are interested in and find somebody that can give you direction.

Could you imagine your life without ever knowing about astrology?

Astrology is essential to my life purpose, my service and my function, thus I could not realistically even consider life without it.

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Thank you 😊

I want to honor all the astrology experts I was very lucky to get in touch with and who accepted my invitation for this article. I want to also honor the astrologers who could not be present in this article and whom I have met in the last 15 years and in various ways communicated or learned from.

They all in various ways have shaped the astrologer I am today. I also hope that the interviews you can read below will serve as an inspiration to all the aspiring astrology students. I hope you will remember that time, hard work, discipline, persevering effort and an open mind in learning astrology always pays out. In ways that are beyond words and measure! I can’t put into words how much joy and happiness I got through engaging in writing this article. Thank you all!

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