Maja Lazić
According to astrological theory, an aspect is a relationship between two planets. The most famous are conjunctions that can be very beneficial, but also can represent the biggest life challenges. Traditionally challenging aspects also include oppositions, squares and inconjunctions which are very karmic. Flowing aspects are sextiles and trines. Apart from them, there are also minor aspects.
When interpreting aspects we will take into account sign, its ruler and house. We should evaluate which planet is faster and which is slower. We have separation aspects where orb increases and applying aspects where orb decreases. Orb for aspects of Sun and Moon can be up to 10, for other personal planets up to 8. For transcendental ones up to 6 can be used if we are talking about conjunctions.
For squares, maximum orb is 6, for sextiles 4 and for inconjunctions up to 2, especially if they are part of configurations. Same aspect is interpreted differently by each person. It is always our primary intention in each interpretation that is important. Why are we interested in interpreting aspects at all? If your answer is to better understand yourself and integrate parts that do not live – well done! That’s what astrology is for.
Evolution of natal aspects-levels
On evolutionary level, quality of aspect is a way of interaction between energies of planetary principles, which have ultimate goal of raising person’s state of consciousness. There are here to enable them to have a more complete life experience.
Quality of each aspect should not be confused with the quality of each person’s energy! It is important to note that each of us participates in what energy quality of each aspect will be in our life.
If a planet has many aspects, which can be found in some natal charts, that planet will show person’s Life Path. In evolutionary astrology, each aspect has larger purpose. Aspects allow the Soul to develop in this incarnation. Most aspects are not activated during life. Some are so overemphasized that they leave no room for novelty.
Evolution of natal aspects of Mercury, Venus and Mars
Aspects to Mercury are meant to help us gain our own opinion. They enable us to see Life from a different angle and grow mentally. Their role is to educate, communicate and enable us to find work in a way that supports us.
Aspects of Venus are meant to teach us to fully enjoy this incarnation, to know Love and to let go of what we have attached ourselves to and which is not our story. Their primary goal is harmonization, bringing balance, forming connections and maintaining them, as well as making decisions after seeing both sides.
Aspects of Mars aim to express energy of a person and initiate. They are important in situations where we start something new.
Evolution of natal aspects of Moon, Sun and Pluto
Aspects of Moon are intended to build the emotional foundation of Life, to nurture ourselves, create home and support family relationships while developing self-compassion.
Aspects of Sun are meant to help us be authentic and manifest personal power while living from Heart.
Aspects of Pluto are meant to help us transform our Shadow, overcome difficulties and emotional and psychological darkness.
Evolution of natal aspects of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Aspects of Saturn are a form of spiritual initiation to realize our Life Purpose and abandon unsupportive behaviour. Those who have integrated lesson of Saturn will be able to manifest Life they desire through disciplined and conscious Work.
Aspects of Uranus provide new opportunities in life to recognize diversity of experience in order to renew and sharpen the Mind.
Aspects of Neptune teach us to cultivate Love even in situations where we feel like a Victim. They especially aim to let go of what does not serve us, so their quality is “purifying”.
Evolution of natal aspects of Jupiter
Aspects to Jupiter are meant to help us find deeper meaning and purpose for realizing our Vision. When we have a goal, they help us achieve it and discover a truth that can benefit everyone. However, each aspect manifests differently in one’s life according to the person’s age and changes with age, too, as it is part of the transiting cycles we go through. I will explain this using by transiting aspects of Jupiter as an example.
Children live every aspect in their natal chart on a physical level. Through play they can come into contact with planetary energies much more than adults. Of course, this does not apply if the adult is engaged in creative occupations, especially acting, music, painting, art, etc. So as you see there are ways to work with the planets!
At about three years of age, child experiences the first square to natal Jupiter (and the aspects that exist with it). It is full of questions, “why?”, “how?”, “what is this?’. There is no difference between the world of imagination and reality and when the first square occurs around the age of 5, child begins to learn to read and write.
Jupiter’s return and Saturn
Around the age of 12, Jupiter’s first return occurs when the child attends upper levels of elementary school and gains broader understanding of life. Their understanding of life can change as he physically develops and grows due to hormones.
As Jupiter’s aspects should always be interpreted with Saturn, habits that child develops during adolescence affect how they will deal with every experience throughout Life. The first square of Saturn is at the age of seven, which affects the teeth and offers new responsibilities that child has while learning what is correct behaviour and what is not. The second square at the age of 21 will thus be the time of their first job and new duties testing inner strength.
After the first return of Jupiter, the first Saturn opposition takes place around age of 14. Focus is on school, but with changes in behaviour because child often feels more aware of his body, in which he often is uncomfortable. Many teenagers do not like how they feel ”in their skin” and want to free themselves from obligations and pressure of their parents.
How well they succeeded in this is usually seen for the first Saturn return before the thirtieth year of life. Also, in the early twenties square of Uranus happens when freedom is gained through driving, ability to vote, travel alone, etc.
Jupiter’s Lessons
After the age of 15, Saturn’s aspects become more intense and the person usually feels restricted in many ways, which can also be seen in the rigid body. If healthy Jupiter has been built, person will have inner strength to find meaning even when Life gets difficult!
If she had encouragement from both parents who nurtured her Jupiter through access to knowledge, new experiences and supported her interests, she will get through any transit of Saturn much more easily whatever the natal aspects.
If a child has not had the opportunity to experience healthy Saturn and Jupiter, difficulties may continue to occur for the rest of life and she will not see a way out. How person was brought up by their parents will primarily affect the expression of natal aspects. However, throughout adult life person will continue to learn to become their own parent.
If Neptune is on the ascendant, all aspects, including Jupiter’s, will be hidden and “sleeping”. In that case they are interpreted differently. If a person was born on a Full Moon or on eclipse, everything will be more intense compared to those who were born on other lunar days. In some cases, inability to live our Jupiter and Saturn in a healthy way can manifest as a tendency towards psychological problems, accompanied by poor sleep, fatigue, inner restlessness and nervousness.
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