Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces

For each of you, depending on house that Venus transits, which will be discussed later, along with aspects, adds or subtracts energy in relationships. Depending on your age, there will be opportunities to get rid of something. Many will choose to withdraw from a toxic relationship.

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Retrograde Venus in Leo from July 23rd -September 4th raises questions of what is not working in natal house where Leo is located. For which person do you surrender your power? How do you behave in order to be liked a bit more? OMG, why can’t you be loved by authentically living your TRUE SELF? For some of you in long-term relationships and marriages, this may be related to eclipse in August 2017 at the 28th degree of Leo. This year Venus moves retrograde from this exact degree.

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FATALE LOVE: Venus/Pluto

In this post I will cover most important natal, transit and synastry Venus/Pluto aspects. If your natal Venus has aspect to Pluto, you will experience transit and synastry aspects more intensely. It is always important first to understand which partner is represented by Venus and which by Pluto. Venus is usually more aware that something is wrong, while Pluto operates on an unconscious level.

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LOVE WARS: Venus/Mars

Venus/Mars synastry aspects determine relationship needs, but they are not enough to start a relationship. ‘Stronger’ aspects are needed to provide context. These aspects are typically associated with sexual intimacy, but have nothing to do with emotional fulfillment. These aspects show how much we give and how much we get in a relationship.

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KARMIC LOVE: Venus/Saturn

In this post I will discuss some of the most significant Venus/Saturn aspects in natal chart, during transits and in synastry. People with this natal aspect learn karmic lessons in love. During transits, partners known through past incarnations enter our lives.

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Venus describes what we love. It is about material things and enjoyment. Neptune, on the other hand, describes fantasies and non-physical reality. It’s wonderful when Neptune allows us to have dreams and visions which we will materialize through Venus. However, if this is not possible, feeling of disappointment appears.

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Venus is about our inner sense of balance. Uranus speaks of freedom and unconventionality. Venus wants to enjoy love and have her wishes come true. Uranus wants to be impulsive, rebellious and unique. Their aspects include an element of risk, change and unconventionality in love relationships.

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SYNASTRY: Venus in house

We need to look at the position of natal Venus first in both charts. Challenging individual aspects can often indicate a problem that can manifest in a relationship as well. Partner’s Venus position in your natal house shows what you want from this love. We must consider other factors too before drawing any conclusions. Venus in partner’s house will show how he reacts to us and which area of ​​life brings more enjoyment thanks to his energy.

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Venus in synastry

In my astrological practice I closely pay attention to see every comparative aspect through the individual natal chart, too. It is usually an indicator of how we block ourselves in order to receive and give love. For that reason, I noticed that when we understand our natal chart very well, then we have a greater potential to achieve the relationship we want. Love depends on us, not on our partner.

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Venus conjunct natal planets

Aspects of Venus show the quality of partners’ exchange and the potential conflicts that exist in us that are manifested in the relationship. In this text, I will write about conjunctions of Venus to other planets.

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