Neptune in Aries (2025-2039) time for the Rejected

Neptune is in Aries from 2025 until 2039. Regardless of quality of planet’s energy, there are sections in every natal chart. There is dominant part that represents the way we function. There is a part that is developed, but not often active. There is also shadow that represents energy available to us that we don’t use. And there are also primitive, rudimentary and underdeveloped parts of which we are unaware of with vulnerability within.

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Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces

For each of you, depending on house that Venus transits, which will be discussed later, along with aspects, adds or subtracts energy in relationships. Depending on your age, there will be opportunities to get rid of something. Many will choose to withdraw from a toxic relationship.

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In this post, focus is natal Saturn in Sagittarius, which wants us to find and live our truth. This post aims to help you understand yourself and your natal chart more deeply. Saturn in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. It is necessary to connect their meaning. Pay attention to aspects that exist with other natal planets.

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Mars retrograde happens every two years. Since Mars is the lower octave of Pluto, with which it forms an aspect during this transit, it is clear that some wishes cannot come true now. These desires have nothing to do with our purpose or evolutionary intent. Their root comes from ego and attempt to prove that we are worth it, even though we don’t believe in it.

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Last year in March when Pluto entered Aquarius, life took on a different frequency. Intergalactic way of life is not just something we will only continue to see in astronaut movies. During 2023-2024, we rose to the top and fell to the bottom while Pluto spent part of its transit in Capricorn. Now we are ready for cosmic heights!

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We can often immediately see how someone’s life will look like according to ascendant ruler and his position in sign and house. However, position itself does not imply anything, but the way person uses this energy. Consciousness offers possibility of choice which can make us powerful or powerless. First of all, ascendant ruler can have phases when person’s life is drastically changed and we see this through transits.

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The more we have separated ourselves from our true nature, the harder Mercury retrograde periods are for us. We complain that we have too much work or that our colleagues do not keep their promises and that neighbours are too noisy. Everything is postponed and we are not satisfied with the quality. Our health is weak and mental clarity is lacking.

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When you activate your natal Pluto, you are ready to see life through the eyes of an alchemist. However, your key life strategy is hidden in this planet. With Pluto everything is complex. And it’s usually about affairs we’ve been involved in that are connected to some deep wound. Pluto in aspects leads path to authentic self by committing to goals that transcend this incarnation, where we once made a mistake, but are now making it right.

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NATAL SUN your life’s work

Truth is that your natal Sun wants to express itself. It wants to feel that its existence has a purpose and that it has created something visible. It is also true that your life’s work is your identity and its creation. Energetically healthy natal Sun is open to expansion, joyfulness and has a high level of vitality. Also, it is characterized by a strong ego, self-confidence, power to face challenges, clarity and persistence. Healthy natal Sun is strong, courageous and disciplined because it is aware that each day is only lived once.

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What lies hidden in you? What are you not aware of and it’s high time? What is really true in your life? Although with Pluto in Capricorn we finally learned that energy is money, with Pluto in Aquarius both themes will go through transformation. Pluto will enter Aquarius on March 23rd this year for the first time, then again on January 21st and finally on November 19th in 2024. This twenty-year cycle will bring changes to humanity on a deep level. Problems that have been hidden will be exposed.

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