Can astrology answer every question?
One of the most common misconceptions is that an astrologer should answer questions that we do not have the answer to ourselves. Modern astrology does not predict future, because something like that does not exist when there is consciousness. Astrology helps us understand Cosmic cycles. If an inanimate object can have an “unpredictable destiny”, why would a person be predictable!? Can any literary work be completely interpreted in such a way that the meaning of metaphors and literary symbols does not allow for a different interpretation?
Read moreIs it written in the stars?
Do certain events have to happen? Is there a connection between life and position of the planets at the time of birth? Why are we unlucky in certain life areas? Why is it easier/ harder for us in love or work compared to others? Is it possible to predict destiny with the help of a natal chart? Can astrology give a precise answer to every question?
Read moreWhat is a Natal Chart?
No one can write your natal chart if you are alive and breathing. A piece of paper no matter how large it is with such information has nothing to do with the essence of astrology. No one’s life is predestined. An astrologer is not there to inform you, so that you can prepare for “difficult days”, but to help you gain a deeper and wider life experience.
Read moreWhat is a stellium?
If there are multiple planets in one sign in your natal chart, that sign will be prominent. Some people have two or three prominent signs besides Sun, Moon and ascendant sign. This may be more very dominant in the manifestation of personality. In case there are oppositions and squares, personal expression will be altered.
Read moreAstrology Archetypes
Each planet and sign are associated with a certain image, role, landscape, mythology and ancient cultures. They are also associated with life lessons. Information we get by analyzing these factors can serve us to empower our personality and discover what our Soul aspires to.
Read more“Difficult” natal chart
There are many categorizations in astrology that help us analyze. However, categories of “difficult” and “easy” do not exist in the vocabulary of a professional astrologer. We are all born with something that we can improve or neglect during our lives. Everything in the natal chart can serve us.
Read moreMars conjunct natal planets
Aspects of Mars talk about the expression of personal energy and courage. They show the way how we can achieve success and manifest our plans and desires. Here I will explain conjunction aspect as the merging of two planetary principles. Oppositions and squares can be an indicator of how we are disrupting our success or achievement of goals. Oppositions will show problems arising due to the way we move towards realization of plans.
Read moreMars in natal house
House where Mars is located will be the place of increased energy and direction in our lives. This is the point that leads us to the realization of ambition and self-actualization when we learn to assertively express energy.
Read moreNatal Mars
Sign of natal Mars is one of the indicators of will and motivation. Through its sign we can get insight into the level of expressiveness and the way we achieve our goals. Emphasized natal Mars will always be clearly visible through behavior and felt in our energy.
Read moreVenus conjunct natal planets
Aspects of Venus show the quality of partners’ exchange and the potential conflicts that exist in us that are manifested in the relationship. In this text, I will write about conjunctions of Venus to other planets.
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