Are you in a karmic relationship?

I can answer this question very easily just by looking at your natal chart. In this blog post, I will explain indicators that show if you are prone to this type of relationships. We can define a karmic relationship as a union in which we do not receive enough love. We have to agree to something that does not suit us in order for the relationship to last.

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Lunar Nodes in karmic astrology

Lunar nodes teach us important life lessons and their integration goes wider then this incarnation. It is about the energy at the soul level. South Node is what we have developed so far, through multiple lives or during the early years of this life. North Node is what we are learning to integrate by finding our life purpose and learning our spiritual lessons.

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Karmic lessons & Saturn

Saturn always causes fear if we do not have a firm support within ourselves. This planet teaches us important life lessons through obstacles and difficulties that arise, because we have not mastered something important in the past. However, neither sadness nor pain is Saturn’s goal, but often it’s the only way to learn our karmic lessons.

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Node in Karmic Astrology

Consciousness, a sense of connection to the Universe and the important life lessons we learn in this life are seen through aspects of the nodes with the natal planets. Especially if in contact with the ruler of the ascendant, when the person through his energy also changes the lives of the people around him. However, the rule is that we most often experience natal aspects in contact with others until we learn to ‘work’ with them.

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Karmic relationships

These are basic manifestations that in this karmic relationship you will exclusively deal with the settlement of old karmic debts. Until this is resolved the relationship will last.
A person’s consciousness always determines the flow of karmic love relationships, because they are based on the principle of mirrors and reflect the energy of the 12th house which is unconscious.

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