Is it written in the stars?

Do certain events have to happen? Is there a connection between life and position of the planets at the time of birth? Why are we unlucky in certain life areas? Why is it easier/ harder for us in love or work compared to others? Is it possible to predict destiny with the help of a natal chart? Can astrology give a precise answer to every question?

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What is a Natal Chart?

No one can write your natal chart if you are alive and breathing. A piece of paper no matter how large it is with such information has nothing to do with the essence of astrology. No one’s life is predestined. An astrologer is not there to inform you, so that you can prepare for “difficult days”, but to help you gain a deeper and wider life experience.

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Astrology Archetypes

Each planet and sign are associated with a certain image, role, landscape, mythology and ancient cultures. They are also associated with life lessons. Information we get by analyzing these factors can serve us to empower our personality and discover what our Soul aspires to.

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Elements natal chart

Everything always happens in time so transits increase and decrease the amount of energy of the elements. It is important to know how to balance your energy through practical and very simple changes to your routine. Just count how many planets you have in the signs in each element. You can add your ascendant, too.

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Consultation with an astrologer

Astro-therapy as a technique involves integrating archetypes through specific guided exercises which can be an excellent client support. Reconnective healing is another mode I can suggest. My goal is to educate the client and help him spiritually as much as I can.

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Astrology ethics

Learn how to use your natal chart in a way that allows you to live the life you have always wanted, while overcoming potential challenges.

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Archetypes in natal chart interpretation

Astrology serves to look deeply into ourselves, not to tell us something for which we need to search for around or wait for something to happen, but to hear and recognize that we already have it.

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How to learn astrology

Modern astrology does not aim to just answer the question when. It is concerned with answering the questions why, and how, but first of all, wants to teach us to listen to ourselves whatever transits is upon us.

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What it means to be an astrologer?

I am always delighted to see that a person after consultations and natal chart analysis, thanks to the deeper understanding of their astrology, has changed their life and has resolved what has bothered him and that now achieves better results in life.

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