SOUL HEALING: Moon/Neptune
In this post I will cover several important aspects in natal chart, synastry and transits. Moon shows our need to feel safe and childhood habits. It is concerned to our past and relationship with mother. Neptune, on the other hand, describes ideals, elusive desires and dreams. Moon is the unconscious and Neptune is projections and unhealthy illusions. Neither of them can be seen with the naked eye, but can only be felt with the Soul.
Read moreUranus in karmic relationship
In synastry, we can use orb distance without necessarily multiplying it by seven for unmarried persons. That’s how we see when relationship turning points occur. With woman’s Moon and man’s Uranus, relationship could three years later be shaken by sudden pregnancy or break down due to need for freedom. However, if marriage lasted for 21 years, then there could be a breakup.
Energy of signs and planets is connected through aspects. They are relationships between two or more types of energies. Aspects show how energy manifests, transforms and how its issues must be overcome. Traditionally, aspects are divided into easy and challenging, major and minor. My experience in astrology has confirmed that there are no difficult aspects. They become such because of the quality/density of our energy. “Easy” aspects include sextile and trine and “challenging” aspects include square and opposition.
Read moreSynastry 101
In astrology, it is never about who is which sign, but what we do with our natal and transiting energy. How do we use what we have and how does our energy affect others? Our emotional behavior is related to the earliest experiences and in some cases prevents the development of all parts of the personality. There may be problems in connecting to others if we do not understand ourselves. Love problems always come from our natal chart as a consequence of rejection that has its roots in childhood.
Read moreUranus in synastry
Uranus aspects cannot be solely blamed for sudden breakups and relationship problems. This could be more attributed to unusual individuals eager for freedom who aspire for unconventional relationships and long-distance unions. However, if synastry shows numerous Uranus aspects triggered by transits this may be a sign of major changes in your emotional life. These changes will not be what everyone likes, especially if you are into long-term relationships with a routine and stability.
Read moreMars conjunct natal planets
Aspects of Mars talk about the expression of personal energy and courage. They show the way how we can achieve success and manifest our plans and desires. Here I will explain conjunction aspect as the merging of two planetary principles. Oppositions and squares can be an indicator of how we are disrupting our success or achievement of goals. Oppositions will show problems arising due to the way we move towards realization of plans.
Read moreVenus in synastry
In my astrological practice I closely pay attention to see every comparative aspect through the individual natal chart, too. It is usually an indicator of how we block ourselves in order to receive and give love. For that reason, I noticed that when we understand our natal chart very well, then we have a greater potential to achieve the relationship we want. Love depends on us, not on our partner.
Read moreVenus conjunct natal planets
Aspects of Venus show the quality of partners’ exchange and the potential conflicts that exist in us that are manifested in the relationship. In this text, I will write about conjunctions of Venus to other planets.
Read moreMercury conjunct natal planets
Aspects of Mercury show the way we communicate. It is very important that we have them in natal chart and that they are flowing in order to express ourselves.
Read moreSun conjunct natal planets
If we open our eyes widely and if we are ready to take a look at ourselves, we will see that the Sun helped us to find what truly matters. We see that something magical, much bigger, has appeared in this process of “burning”. This allows us to discover the talents, skills and potentials that the natal Sun hides in itself.
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