According to astrological theory, an aspect is a relationship between two planets. The most famous are conjunctions that can be very beneficial, but also can represent the biggest life challenges. Traditionally challenging aspects also include oppositions and squares as well as inconjunctions which are very karmic. Flowing aspects are sextiles and trines. Apart from them, there are also minor aspects.
Read moreNatal inconjunctions & unlived life
What is an inconjunction? It is an aspect that indicates tension, incompatibility of energies of planets involved and discomfort in houses in which they are located. Usually these houses have a higher dose of shame, inconvenience and complications. In this aspect, both planets are required to adjust, but this is mostly avoided. More precisely, the owner of natal chart will not change.
Read moreFATALE LOVE: Venus/Pluto
In this post I will cover most important natal, transit and synastry Venus/Pluto aspects. If your natal Venus has aspect to Pluto, you will experience transit and synastry aspects more intensely. It is always important first to understand which partner is represented by Venus and which by Pluto. Venus is usually more aware that something is wrong, while Pluto operates on an unconscious level.
Read moreLOVE WARS: Venus/Mars
Venus/Mars synastry aspects determine relationship needs, but they are not enough to start a relationship. ‘Stronger’ aspects are needed to provide context. These aspects are typically associated with sexual intimacy, but have nothing to do with emotional fulfillment. These aspects show how much we give and how much we get in a relationship.
Read moreKARMIC LOVE: Venus/Saturn
In this post I will discuss some of the most significant Venus/Saturn aspects in natal chart, during transits and in synastry. People with this natal aspect learn karmic lessons in love. During transits, partners known through past incarnations enter our lives.
Read moreTELEPATHIC LOVE: Venus/Neptune
Venus describes what we love. It is about material things and enjoyment. Neptune, on the other hand, describes fantasies and non-physical reality. It’s wonderful when Neptune allows us to have dreams and visions which we will materialize through Venus. However, if this is not possible, feeling of disappointment appears.
Read moreREBELLIOUS LOVE: Venus/Uranus
Venus is about our inner sense of balance. Uranus speaks of freedom and unconventionality. Venus wants to enjoy love and have her wishes come true. Uranus wants to be impulsive, rebellious and unique. Their aspects include an element of risk, change and unconventionality in love relationships.
Read moreLIBERATED HEART: Moon/Uranus
Moon in astrology is all about the past, mother and our need for security. On the other hand, Uranus is about the future and new experiences. In aspect they aim for sense of freedom that is possible when we accept ourselves.
Read moreRESPONSIBLE HEART: Moon/Saturn
Natal Moon describes roots, family and home. It shows our childhood and relationship with our mother. Moon shows needs, feelings and emotional state. Security is especially emphasized. We are sensitive and vulnerable when it is not there.
Natal chart energy is organized according to how often something is done, thought or felt. This is depicted by Moon and daily habits. Energy represented by Pluto moves through natal chart in a cloud-like manner. Some parts of it, if old emotions are not integrated, remain obscured by gloomy clouds.
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