The more we have separated ourselves from our true nature, the harder Mercury retrograde periods are for us. We complain that we have too much work or that our colleagues do not keep their promises and that neighbours are too noisy. Everything is postponed and we are not satisfied with the quality. Our health is weak and mental clarity is lacking.

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When you activate your natal Pluto, you are ready to see life through the eyes of an alchemist. However, your key life strategy is hidden in this planet. With Pluto everything is complex. And it’s usually about affairs we’ve been involved in that are connected to some deep wound. Pluto in aspects leads path to authentic self by committing to goals that transcend this incarnation, where we once made a mistake, but are now making it right.

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Purpose of astrological analysis

One of the questions with which I start almost every consultation with, especially if the person is working with me for the first time, is what is expected from analysis of their chart. Natal chart can be analysed in many way and styles. There are natal charts that seem very clear, but are not. There are also those that are complex and come in layers of metaphors and symbols. Yet it is easy to get to the core.

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Unconscious Pluto & blocked natal chart energy

In natal chart, Pluto in sign, house, its ruler and aspects weave your karmic story. Pluto is the point where we unconsciously strive to have power for the sake of emotional security. Problems arise when we do not know how to achieve safety without acting unconsciously. If Pluto has many aspects, if it is retrograde and aspects South Node it will give an idea of Soul’s lessons.

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Asteroids are messengers of the planets that show archetypal principles activated in psyche when humanity is ready for expansion of consciousness. When you connect with asteroid energy, it becomes clear that everything that has happened in your life and will happen can be explained through myths. How aware are we of them so we can learn from them without repeating mistakes? Asteroids are stories we tell all our lives, but when we don’t hear ourselves they have to wake us up.

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During first half of 2024, Chiron will conjunct North Node in Aries and give us an opportunity to see with new eyes everything that we started to integrate since 2018. Chiron is in Aries until 2027 and it will be joined on this way to wholeness by Neptune in Aries from mid-2025.

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Solar return is a chart that is calculated for the moment when natal Sun returns to the same place for each year. Sometimes it can be the day before or after your birthday. Solar Return is a vital energy that aims to direct you towards your priorities for that year. Through this chart, we see perspective for that year, potentials and areas of life that will be primary for you.

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In this text I will explain what it means when you do not have planets in one element or if you have too many.

Firstly, let’s make this clear. There is nothing wrong with your natal chart. It is perfect and just the way it should be. Everything in it is there to help you learn necessary lessons.

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Retrograde Venus in Leo from July 23rd -September 4th raises questions of what is not working in natal house where Leo is located. For which person do you surrender your power? How do you behave in order to be liked a bit more? OMG, why can’t you be loved by authentically living your TRUE SELF? For some of you in long-term relationships and marriages, this may be related to eclipse in August 2017 at the 28th degree of Leo. This year Venus moves retrograde from this exact degree.

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NATAL SUN your life’s work

Truth is that your natal Sun wants to express itself. It wants to feel that its existence has a purpose and that it has created something visible. It is also true that your life’s work is your identity and its creation. Energetically healthy natal Sun is open to expansion, joyfulness and has a high level of vitality. Also, it is characterized by a strong ego, self-confidence, power to face challenges, clarity and persistence. Healthy natal Sun is strong, courageous and disciplined because it is aware that each day is only lived once.

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