Maja Lazić
August 7, 2024



We can often immediately see how someone’s life will look like according to ascendant ruler and his position in sign and house. However, position itself does not imply anything, but the way person uses this energy. Consciousness offers possibility of choice which can make us powerful or powerless. First of all, ascendant ruler can have phases when person’s life is drastically changed and we see this through transits.

Especially transits that not all people go through and that last a decade or more can show this. In the following post, I will only focus on the rulers and not their position according to house and sign. Aspects will also have a significant impact and must be taken into account so this post is just for informational purposes.

Ascendant ruler for cardinal signs

If ascendant is Aries, ruler is Mars. This planet seeks activity, impulsive action and listening to instincts. However, if person has prominent Saturn aspects, being torn between reaching towards goals compared to stopping themselves will make them indecisive.

If ascendant is Cancer, ruler is Moon. Love and emotional life can be challenging if person has prominent Mars aspects. Relationships could be strained. Unhealthy family atmosphere could lead to isolation. Emotions inherited through DNA and biological foundations should be integrated to overcome blockages and programs that inhibit life with abundance. Without integration, person cannot make life choices in accordance with his true nature. They will always repeat “mistakes” of his ancestors. We will see the attitude towards life according to aspects of the ruler.

If ascendant is Libra, ruler is Venus. Person will try to find balance in life according to wishes and willpower of others, sometimes losing sight of his own needs. He will want to fix what’s broken and bring unbalanced into harmony, sometimes forgetting that unification from the outside is not possible without it from the inside. Life choices that she makes can often be result of her stress and overwhelp and desire to at least momentarily release pressure through experiencing pleasure that she can become dependent on.

If ascendant is Capricorn, ruler is Saturn. Life choices will tend towards concrete manifestations and changes in material conditions. Person will be attracted to old and traditional, not new. Difficulties she will have to go through will be present in her life to the extent that she will learn lessons needed to activate her other planets. All decisions will have karmic character. Ruler will restrict other planets until lesson is learned.

Ascendant ruler for fixed signs

If ascendant is Taurus, ruler is Venus. Problems arise if person becomes attached to outcome of a situation or a person. It is especially challenging if ruler is also in fixed sign compared to mutable one. If ruler’s position is problematic, many frequent painful forms of separation and abandonment are possible. Person’s need for satisfaction had directed him to make choices and wrong decisions, because underneath he was ungrounded and without stability. Loss of love, valuable objects and everything that Venus is representing is then very possible.

If ascendant is Leo, ruler is Sun. Awareness of oneself and physical body on an energetic level contributes to healthy lifestyle choices. Temperament will be their force that will activate other planets. This person will aim to create opportunities for personal expression. If there is a Leo Aquarius opposition in natal chart, person can be torn between need to please the crowd and remain true to themselves.

If ascendant is Scorpio, rulers are Mars and Pluto. Person usually makes choices in life according to obsessive desires. However, goal of everything in her life is to let go of these desires. Letting go could make her feel as if she is dying until she starts to listen to the voice of her Soul. Magnetic attachment to exes or those whom she cannot win over can lead to more deception.

If ascendant is Aquarius, rulers are Saturn and Uranus. When person becomes aware of his life purpose, he will make decisions and choices that support him. They will represent fusion of old and new personality traits. His life is then an opportunity to overcome what was traditional or standard. He can succeed in this if he is guided by wise love and desire to be friendly and not create enemies. That is always a consequence of hatred with oneself.

Ascendant ruler for mutable signs

If ascendant is Gemini, ruler is Mercury. This can be challenging if there is Sun conjunction in an eight degree orb. Knowledge will direct this person, but it is important to integrate it with wisdom. Challenge can be every time he has to choose between two. He will try to choose both. Unstable personality will be shown to him through other people and quality of their communication will uncover life path that should be followed.

If ascendant is Virgo, ruler is Mercury. Person will want to serve others and improve living conditions. If she has not discovered life purpose, she may run away from her troubles into work that will not help in the long run. All this can lead to chronic health problems that will reduce her life quality.

If ascendant is Sagittarius, ruler is Jupiter. If person follows the path of dharma, he returns home to his true nature. House location of the ruler as well as quality of connection to natal Sun, will help him with this. All this can be a way to adequately use knowledge that we have. If ruler is in opposition to Sun, person may have problems “finding” himself. He will set goals that are too far and impossible to achieve.

If ascendant is Pisces, rulers are Jupiter and Neptune. Person begins to walk the path of authentic life choices that support them when they let go of values ​​that are not their own and stop clinging to form. Letting go of all desires and surrendering to something greater will be easier if she has chosen spiritual path. If she is ready to hand her life over to God, Cosmos or something greater than herself she will feel peaceful. Life without ego will lead to her truth, but it is often a path reserved only for the rare.

Some examples

If in natal chart ruler is part of cardinal cross, person is often not ambitious enough. She can make decisions throughout life to make it easier for herself instead of testing her abilities. In this case, failure to find purpose in life could even lead to serious illness. If Saturn as ruler is in Capricorn and the first house, this can be a very powerful position. It can enable person to achieve goals if he is disciplined and dedicated.

For Scorpio ascendant, if Mars and Pluto are in a tense aspect and especially part of fixed cross, person will constantly be plagued by an internal struggle that she will not know how to stop. This will lead her to either total refusal to turn over a new life chapter or an excessive need to try to control others. Loss of great life energy is certain, at least in some part of her life.

For Gemini ascendant, opposition at the level of Gemini Sagittarius will show communication problem and tendency to share knowledge with those who do not resonate with it.

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