Maja Lazić
December 16, 2024


This is your astro guide for 2025. Of course, each New Year raises expectations! Each new transit carries expectations and ideas, which are connected to past experiences. However, it doesn’t mean that it has to be the same this time. It doesn’t mean that this year you have to feel bad, suffer and again end the year heartbroken.

2025is the year when transcendental planets change their sign so total energy changes for 180 degrees. You might be scared-and that is normal! Perhaps all this creates discomfort. At the same time, Saturn and Neptune begin a new evolutionary cycle. It will not hurt to remember that nothing in life is achieved through violence. It is necessary now to take a deep breath and be present in your body.

Courage to be ourselves, say sorry and despite external pressure stay true to your heart, will be visible through sign of Aries with Saturn and Neptune. Internal struggle will become too stressful for many people to continue living this way. What disturbs your personal peace and why does it seem like the time is speeding up?

That is why in 2025it is necessary to finish all old topics that come from incomplete cycles. It will be necessary to learn to love ourselves, accept our flaws and respect ourselves through adequate nutrition, rest and physical activity.

Jupiter & Saturn in 2025

Jupiter in Gemini until middle of this year emphasizes communication, conversations and restless thoughts. Need to speak, write and learn is great, but so is business and rush in everyday duties. Jupiter in Cancer from June 9th to mid-2026 will shift focus from mental plane to family, community, emotional health and inner security. Many of us can become more aware of anxiety that is increasing due to our fast-paced lifestyle.

Saturn in Pisces comes to the last degrees and will continue again in September. We still haven’t forgiven someone or learned what unconditional love is. Saturn in Aries from May 25th until 1st of September indicates that traditional structure of life has been overcome. Change that is taking place is triggering deep insecurity and crisis of consciousness.

New beginning is inevitable, but that means opening up to different ideals. It is necessary to become aware of intention with which we initiate activities in important life areas. Does something in us still believe that we are a victim of circumstances? Has the Universe turned its back on us? If you are going through challenging period and don’t know what to do, read more about Saturn in Pisces and its lessons at this link.

Saturn sextile Neptune from 31st of July until 16th of August in the first degree of Aries questions what our role is in problems we are facing. We will ask ourselves which beliefs we no longer share, but still organize our lives in such way.

Uranus in 2025

Uranus in Taurus is reaching end of its transit in this sign. From November it continues to define again how solid our foundations are. Uranus in Gemini from 7th of July until 8th of November with an emphasis on innovation, new beliefs and need for compromise accelerate our thoughts. It could also raise stress in traffic, education and telecommunications. This transit can initiate new technological advances, change in systems involving higher knowledge and jobs that are based on interaction and communication skills.

During first three months, Uranus activates stress that exists in love life and financial level at 23rd degree of Taurus. Especially in house in which it transits according to your natal chart, it shows place of innovative ideas and material change. For many of us there is also great internal resistance. Transit of Uranus in Taurus in last few years emphasizes that we should embrace our physical body and feelings in it that we overload with food and non-stop shopping.

Uranus in Taurus will remind us, after few months of transit in Gemini, what unhealthy reliance on others can cause. It will be necessary to cultivate perseverance and endurance. Many of us will choose not to give up on ourselves for the first time when we are outside of our comfort zone.

Suppressed energy of Scorpio must be released on physical level, but this also means admitting that there is bit of jealousy in us. Read more about transit of Uranus in Taurus and its position in houses and in aspect with planets at these links if you are afraid of change.

Neptune in 2025

Neptune in Pisces at beginning and end of 2025 will emphasize issues between reality and illusion in our lives. Much that we held to be true will be shown. Neptune in Aries from 30th March until 22nd of October indicates confusion about information in media and fake news. Who to believe and how to know what is really true?

Need for deeper understanding of everything that is happening on global level can only be satisfied when illusions disappear. Many of us begin to realize that we need healing that only we can give ourselves. House in which Neptune is still evokes feelings of insecurity and confusion. We have impression that life has lost its meaning, especially during conjunction with Saturn during March, although it will not be exact.

Uranus sextile Neptune from 4th of August until 14th of September may bring new man-replacing machines and various industrial changes with advanced technological revolution in the coming years. Troubled days, unsustainability in monetary and social systems and social reforms is possible.

Saturn sextile Uranus from 4th until 16th of August highlights internal stress and pressure that always require change in our behaviour. New form of learning and searching for the fastest way are not always the best option. Global social change will continue in the coming years, but now we will see direction that is taking shape. Everything is accelerating! Empowerment and grounding in physical body, not just in your head, is necessary in order to heal collective traumas that transcend this life.

Chiron in 2025

Chiron in Aries reminds us that old ego that was clinging to its wound must fall away. We need to forgive everything that happened in our childhood. Inner insecurity is replaced by the need for freedom to feel anger if that is what exists at cellular level. We will all learn how to manage emotions according to house in which Chiron is. We will learn it with awareness that by giving space to emotions, we do not hurt others or ourselves. If you are going through return of Chiron, you can read more in my post dedicated to that topic.

Jupiter square Saturn from 15th to 18th of June and Jupiter square Neptune from June 19th  to 23rd of June accentuate need to face limitations in order to overcome them. Many of us will realize that something inside us does not want to face the truth. We have been sabotaging ourselves for years.

Uranus sextile Pluto from 21st of August until 9th of October brings technological advance where number of people will try to keep things as they are despite inevitable change. Number of people will be open to change, but at the same time will lose sight of importance of emotional change, too. This will awaken feeling of loss of old values, but also need to search for deeper meaning and new principles by which we will live.

Pluto in Aquarius in 2025

Pluto in Aquarius with point of polarity in Leo reminds us of self-love and our need to heal trauma. This energy particularly strives for creative expression. Greater objectivity will be noticeable in many relationships. In moments when it is difficult, we will turn to devices, not human beings for connection.

Many people carry the feeling that they are not good enough and their desire for intimacy cannot be fulfilled if emotions are denied. Cultural change comes with sense of abandonment even when we are in society, at home or in our neighbourhood with those we know.

Questions of morality in technology will be raised, along with health problems related to excessive use of devices and information overload. Many will express doubts about how much humanity can keep up with technological progress and whether we can cope with such change at all.

Pluto always includes projections on environment, too. We are attracting those who are triggering something deeply buried in us that must come to light. Polarity point in Leo says that each of us must realize our unique nature, our talents and gifts. If something in us remains locked, it is very possible that partners will appear who will be cold, too objective and emotionally closed. You can read more about this transit in my posts dedicated to Pluto in Aquarius at following links.

Lunar nodes in 2025

Lunar nodes change sign from 11th of January where they will remain until middle of 2026. This change may concern climate disasters, different attitude towards spirituality, health and work.

Nodes in mutable sign indicate problems to really hear others and inequality that is consequence of different way of life. North Node in Pisces will emphasize that one cannot live in illusions. Strong inner restlessness, if it still exists, will hinder progress.

North Node in Pisces wants to unite all people, plant and animal species, race and culture, ideologies and religions. That ultimate level and contact with Universal Soul requires sobriety and healthy daily routine.

North Node in Pisces contains lessons of all previous signs, especially what we haven’t learned and tendency to lose ourselves or hide our true identity being confused. Eclipses on this axis will show that we must first resolve these issues in order to be able to swim in ocean of life.

Eclipses in 2025

Eclipses occur on: 14th of March at 23rd degree of Virgo, 29th of March at 9th degree of Aries, 7th of September at 15th degree of Pisces and 21st of September at 29th degree of Virgo. If evolution in relationships, fair giving and receiving did not happen during previous year, true unification in diversity will not be possible either.

With North Node in Aries, new personality was born the previous year, but collapse occurs if that personality does not have an authentic identity. If it is not strong, it easily enters martyrdom, obsession and suffering. North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo tell us that we will have to recognize our masochistic tendencies. There could be moments when we hurt others because we feel we will be hurt by others, too. Eclipses will heighten feelings of overwhelming guilt if we believe we deserve punishment and are not good enough.

These tendencies will alternate in accordance with the eclipses. Unconscious resistance of ego, which is afraid of transformation, throws us into abyss and the self ends up collapsing. Therefore, where we had illusions, we will not be able to immediately replace them with something healthy. Grief will need to be washed away and released before new seed of healthy energy can be sown. You can read how to survive eclipses in this post I wrote a few years ago.

Retrograde Mercury and Mars in 2025

Retrograde Mercury from 15th of March in Aries and Pisces until 7th of April can bring sense of confusion about actions we want to take. From 18th of July until 11th of August in Leo again raises questions of authentic creativity and self-respect. When Mercury is retrograde for the third time from November 9th until 29th in Sagittarius and Scorpio, many of our beliefs will be soaked with emotions that could not find their way.

Retrograde Mercury in fire signs shows that communication is heated. Arguments about beliefs where bigger picture is not clearly visible are possible. This energy should be put into sport or creative expression. Search for truth and our need for inner peace will be seen in all three retrograde cycles.

Retrograde Mars in Cancer until 24th of February, which on 18th of April is re-entering Leo indicates overcome defence mechanism. Have we managed to reach new level of emotional security? What no longer makes sense in our life? Many of us will realize that we do not have healthy boundaries in relationships which create misunderstandings.

This energy will be noticed even if there are no aspects that occur during retrograde transit and while Mars is in shadow. You can read more about this transit in my post dedicated to retrograde Mars.

Venus retrograde in 2025

Retrograde Venus from 2nd of March in Aries and Pisces announces need for new rules in relationships. Questioning of principles, unfulfilled personal values, search for unconditional love, but also love that has been distorted by years of pain and suffering upsets our Soul. Venus was also retrograde in spring of 2017 in Aries and Pisces. If you didn’t know what you needed then, now this question will arise again. How much you respect yourself and do you even know how to rely on yourself?

Venus in Aries is a warrior occasionally prone to aggressive display of feminine energy, selfish impulses and unfair treatment of environment. This retrograde transit will remind you of what you love to do and how stuck you are in relationships due to differences in priorities. New self will have to emerge in order to form relationship at all.

Old deceptions and broken lessons of inner child and re-opening of old wounds will emphasize excessive subjectivity. Venus conjunct Saturn and Neptune along with eclipses during spring indicate that some relationships are coming to an end. Something that we drag and that is full of burden constantly penetrates our reality that seems wavering and dreamy.

That love baggage needs to be let go. When Venus makes conjunction with Uranus in June, release will take place in our body and after that, possibility of materializing new relationships will come.

Few final words

Important change is that ruler of North Node will be Neptune instead of Mars and ruler of South Node will be Mercury instead of Venus. That is why it will be very important to learn to listen to our inner voice, especially in moments of anxiety that can haunt us. South Node in Virgo is deep need for self-esteem, nurturing yourself in healthy way and self-reliance that may have been neglected.

Self-criticism can occur when we cannot meet our needs and expectations of environment. North Node and Neptune in Pisces indicate weakness of self-control that cannot overcome insecurity.

This year points to importance of daily breathing exercises and taking responsibility and awareness of words we use. We need to find way to activate or calm our energy as needed. We do this during consultations where you can get suggestions on how to use transits for your evolution.

During 2025, we will learn to love ourselves unconditionally despite all imperfections. 2025 is the year that if you have some needs that you have been hiding from yourself, start talking about them openly and honestly. Taboo topics will be opened, tears will flow and iceberg will break. Our new self will occupy new territory and these new planetary energies will help us with that.

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