Maja Lazić
This post is dedicated to everyone who is interested in Astrodetoks consultation with me. Most of clients who contact me read my blog or read my Quora posts. Based on this or their friend’s recommendation, they are open to work with me and know what to expect.
This post is also dedicated to all those who have not yet had consultation with an astrologer and are not sure what it looks like. I emphasize that in this post I will talk about what a unique Astrodetoks consultation with me looks like.
Astrodetoks consultation flow
Each Astrodetoks consultation is different and we cannot know in advance what it will look like. When we start, I will ask you if you want a recording to be made (which will be sent to you after Astrodetoks consultation). I will usually ask you what you want us to focus on. Or what prompted you to contact me right now.
We will chat about the present moment, the past and the future. Some clients like to write down dates I mention, but there’s no need to take notes. You’ll miss out on a lot! Some clients prepare questions in advance, but most don’t. Many come with questions, which they do not ask out of shyness or awe due to insights they get. Universe always shows them the answers.
Flow of Astrodetoks consultation is variable. You are always an active participant in every analysis. You can ask questions, comment and express your views and opinions. With your participation and energy, you bring to life symbols that are being analysed.
I will ask you if something is unclear or to remember what happened certain year when you already went through same transit. During Astrodetoks consultation, some topics will be opened, but not all. Something will wake up in you and make you see yourself in a different light – that’s for sure. However, it is never possible to understand everything. You change throughout the course of life.
Fear of astrology
When you contact me for Astrodetoks consultation, some planets are usually activated. It is very possible that you feel fear, shame or anxiety triggered by transits. Some clients are afraid of what I will tell them. There are also those who believe that there is no help for them and who have already talked to many astrologers. Many come to me to verify or confirm what they have heard elsewhere. However, I can’t comment on other astrologer’s work.
Many people contact me when their important relationship has ended or if they have chronic life problems. Some contact me when they cannot achieve their goals or when they feel that it is “karmic”. Motivation behind all this is fear, but it does not have anything to do with astrology. It is connected to a weak first chakra and dysfunctional attitude towards life.
Many reach out for Astrodetoks consultations frightened by loneliness. There are also those who reach out because they cannot come to terms that someone has left them and they no longer see the point to keep going. I often talk to people who have experienced something traumatic in past, but who many years later are still in bad emotional state. (Un)conscious fear related to future transits can also be topic that prompts you to decide to have Astrodetoks consultation and what we will discuss.
Doubts about natal chart or astrology
If you have any doubts about natal chart or astrology in general, I will do my best to explain it to you. For example, many people are not completely clear about difference between Sun and ascendant. Here’s an example. Ascendant is your life theme and your interaction with the world. Sun is what you become, what you reach out to and what grounds you. Truth is that you never have to become your Sun, unlike ascendant that will always “be felt”.
Is your life going according to your Sun or are you not living it at all? How you use this Sun energy and whether it serves you or not can be topic we will talk about. Why it is challenging for you to have Sun in this sign and house is also something we will discuss. For example, someone who is Cancer is here to experience all emotional levels.
But if he feels almost nothing because he experienced trauma as a child, his Sun slowly dries up. If this Cancer person does not share his emotions with his family and those close to him, he does not feel alive. But if Sun does not live, nothing else in natal chart will live.
I will emphasize that natal chart never gives us all information. There are questions that cannot be answered now or at all through astrology. Sometimes, in order to get answers, we have to do something else or make some decision. Sometimes during Astrodetoks consultation, scenes or images will appear that I will describe to you and that you will recognize because it has “came” to you before. I will often talk about what you are going through by immersing in your role in your life.
Moon in natal chart
Moon, on other hand, represents our attitude towards life flow or even phobias, money issues and emotional security. Its aspects will show unique natal patterns. Such celestial imprint is impossible to read in any book or astrology report. However, until person becomes aware of his Moon, he will continue to write his life story with past narratives and will not be happy.
Usually one planet lives and others not so much when trauma happens that we haven’t integrated. Moon is usually one that is “damaged”. Many planets are suffering and waiting for better days. During Astrodetoks consultation, we will identify what problem is present in your natal chart and what you can do to let it tell a different story.
Natal chart sometimes, but not always, has key theme and it can be seen in all planets. When there is key theme, we must look at each natal aspect in this light.
Your planets
Can you say for yourself that you know your planets? How much can you accept their lessons? For example, can you embrace your natal Venus despite suffering so much and being disappointed in love? In book by Viktor Frankl, he says that it is not character traits or instincts that matter, but attitude we take towards them. Bad attitude towards planets will always have negative life consequences.
However, most important thing is what is happening in you during Astrodetoks consultation. What is your intuition saying? What thoughts are coming to your mind when topic is brought up? Is there an emotion or physical sensation when witnessing an aspect or planet?
Clients often cry because they remember themselves through my description. Many people start crying even before I say anything. Many feel unexplainable closeness to me because for the first time they experience another human being really seeing them as they are, without judgment. Clients get a feeling of acceptance from me and through Astrodetoks consultations they learn to accept and love themselves as well.
Natal aspects
We will discuss natal chart aspects with aim of understanding how they manifest in your life. For example, conjunction can have both positive and negative forms of expression. Planet that is weaker can completely disappear under influence of stronger planet and be hidden for most of life. Conjunctions with planets of important persons are always an indicator of dependent tendencies and possibility of forming co-dependent relationship and continuation of toxic energy relationship after its end.
However, important people in life can significantly change quality of natal chart energy. During Astrodetoks consultation, we will talk about them in your life, but without analysing their natal chart or their symbols. That would not be ethical.
In many natal charts, there is imbalance between receiving and giving energy. Manifestation of this can be that person has same problem for years. He cannot make money or achieve goals. If you have health problem that manifests itself physically, we can also use this as guide. Health and its absence will clearly show what in natal chart you do not have a good relationship with.
Also, in natal chart there is no single version of personality you are going towards. There are thousands of ways to help us understand ourselves and our unique energy flow.
Physical presence during Astrodetoks consultation is essential.
I don’t analyse charts in any other way because your body contains cellular memory and carries information in subtle energy through layers of aura. Here are memories that are crucial to natal chart analysis at deeper level. That’s why I exclusively work with clients with whom I will be able to make contact online via Zoom video calls. I have seen many times that non-verbal communication, eye contact, gesticulation, tone of voice and facial expressions are equally important in natal chart analysis. This conveys what cannot be conveyed in words.
Therefore, if you are someone who only lives in your mind and expects “detailed information” from natal chart, but does not have good contact with body, you cannot benefit deeply from astrology. It is precisely presence in body that allows us to understand our cosmic nature and its changeability, which is the beauty of life.
Body expresses your natal energy of this and many previous incarnations, at every moment. Through natal chart and transits, we can do a lot for ourselves by changing our attitude towards body and listening to its messages. So we can help ourselves in tangible way when it comes to natal aspects.
Communication during Astrodetoks consultation can often be very active and fast, sometimes slow and gentle. Poetic language, different speech and change of my voice can be used to express planets in way they want. Sometimes we laugh and joke, too. Often, Astrodetoks consultation will be intertwined with your need and desire to confide in me, to share something from your life with me… Many people read me their diaries or letters they never sent to someone they loved…
Witnessing your natal chart
My task is to tell stories from you natal chart and sometimes this includes stories around your birth or even before. However, what I really do is analyse your cosmic energy. Natal chart is just means through which I interpret your energy and calculations I make help me tell your story.
Each planet in your natal chart has its own story. Not always all planets want to talk and content of natal chart cannot be forced. However, although each of us can feel our planets, most do not know how to hear their stories. Not all can be known and level of awareness changes throughout course of your life. Some parts will remain stuck, silent, offended or invisible to you for years.
Lot of information is imprinted in natal chart and often we first have to unravel lot of things from past in order to be able to deal with what is important now. As an astrologer, I cannot make a decision for you, but I can help you understand yourself in order to make decisions that will serve you.
First of all, purpose of Astrodetoks consultation with me is to help you remember yourself on levels that go beyond work, relationships, personas, responsibilities. Long-term meaning of regular Astrodetoks consultations is to activate energy within you that knows your Way.
After Astrodetoks consultation
During and after Astrodetoks consultation, memories can be awakened in physical body. Many clients tell me that analysis somehow continues during their sleep. Also, in following days after Astrodetoks consultation, you may see additional images of situations I described. None of above is required.
One Astrodetoks consultation is just a beginning and it is never the whole story. Time between natal chart analysis and your next consultation is also important. It is optimal for person to have one or two Astrodetoks consultations every year. For those who have lot of problems, one Astrodetoks consultation usually cannot lead to their resolution or understanding.
New questions will also appear after Astrodetoks consultation. You can ask them during additional Astrodetoks consultation or analysis.
Clients build a relationship with me. Trust and honesty on both sides are important. All data, insights and information during Astrodetoks consultation are confidential. Recording, if you have decided on it, will be removed from database after three days in order to protect client’s data. What you do with insights you got is always the most important thing.
Astro-mentoring is also available for those who came to me for Astrodetoks consultation after initial natal chart analysis. Meaning of this form of work is to teach you to activate higher level of planetary functioning with aim of its healing and transformation.
If appropriate, during natal analysis I can mention how to connect with planet that is problematic. This can be simple stimulation of knees, ears, feet, palms, depending on your natal chart. In this simple way, energy blockages in body and consequentially in natal chart disappear. With this, as well as guided energy processes, we deal in detail within course of astro-mentoring, we work on concrete planets and improve connection with it.
However, your healing does not depend on me or on astrology or your natal chart, but on whether or not you have energy, discipline and dedication for it. If we don’t have that, we will repeat stories we lived until age of seven, but we will be unaware of it. Each transit will bring the same.
Therefore, goal of this deeper form of work is for you to get techniques that you will be able to do for purpose of healing and activating planets whenever problems arise. Each natal chart contains frozen parts that are part of past or still alive and for some of these parts astrology is not useful. I will always mention if I think that client needs therapy or some other specialist.
Meaning of evolutionary astrology
Natal chart analysis can be done as much as you want in life. More precisely, as much you need to understand it. This is the ideal number. Analysing natal chart does not automatically mean that we understand ourselves and that we have become aware of our bad habits and ways of self-blocking.
Evolutionary astrology can help us if for a long time we feel that life is passing by or we regret something we did in past. It can also help if you have just suffered loss of important person in your life or if you miss someone very much and it hasn’t gone away for years.
Clients from all over the world contact me because they feel truth in my words. First of all, as an astrologer, I know my limits. I know what I can and cannot do for you. I know what astrology can and cannot do. Astrology can’t always help, but it can make things easier for us!
Goal of this website, Astrodetoks consultations and astro-mentoring is always to teach clients that they do not have to look for something outside of themselves to satisfy their longing for love, security or happiness. Goal is to remember from depths of your Soul what you need for your planets to live and to give it to yourself in this incarnation. No one can tell you this, but Astrodetoks consultation with me can initiate you to connect to that deeper knowledge on your own.
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